Finding compromises with yourself

in Sketchbook9 months ago

Hello to all my creative art loving friends! I hope you are doing well!

Since I'm still just learning how to draw, I'm working on several projects. This time there are two. The first is drawing along with a training master class from artists and the second is what I try to draw myself. Now I have a tiger cub with a mother tigress according to the master class and half a sunflower on a black background. And now I'm stuck with both! I haven't drawn them for several weeks now. At first there were good reasons for this, but then I realized that something was wrong with it. I analyzed my inner feelings and realized that I simply did not have the motivation to continue drawing. Why? I got it! I couldn't display the shadows and midtones of the color as well as I wanted and I'm stuck. 🥴
Having dealt with myself, I decided that I just need to switch to something that I can draw without stress: something like that “oh, I can’t do it.” I thought about it and decided to implement one of my ideas. I have an old, very convenient plastic tablet stand. Previously it was white. 😅

I've been thinking about painting this with acrylic paints for a long time. And finally I decided to do it. To be honest, I didn’t have a specific vision of what I wanted to get in the end. I decided to draw on a whim. First, I washed this tablet stand well. Then I covered it with acrylic white.

Agree, it looks much better this way! 😀 I let the white paint dry a little and then I wanted to use the blue acrylic color.

The white paint, which was not completely dry, resulted in an interesting mixture of color and blue. I liked it very much!

And then I wanted to make splashes. I really love this! To start, I chose ultramarine.

And then I added white.

I was delighted! The result is just super!!!!

Compare what tablet stand was and what it is now!

Which option did you choose? I'm definitely blue! :) I waited a little while for the paint to dry and carefully placed the tablet on it so you could see how it looked!

My experiment was a success: I enjoyed drawing and updated my old, convenient tablet stand. Now I'll wait until it's completely dry and I still have to remove the paint on the lower inside to make it look neat.
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!


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Молодчина! Конечно второй вариант гораздо лучше смотрится.
А когда покажешь подсолнухи?

привет, дорогая! я вижу, ты сейчас редко заглядываешь сюда. как впрочем и я. у меня творческий застой по всем фронтам )))) наверное, напряжение последних месяцев сказывается. хочется только читать что-то легкое, необязывающее. еле заставила себя осуществить давнюю идею с подставкой. рада, что тебе понравилось :) С подсолнухом тоже застряла. причем осталось совсем немного, но самое сложное для меня: показать тени и свет на листиках. похоже, я слишком много от себя ожидаю. а ты сама как? вернулась к рисованию? как твое здоровьечко? полегче тебе?

да, уже полегче! Спасибо тебе за поддержку и внимание. С новым годом!
Пусть всё в этом году у всех нас наладится!
А все неприятности останутся только в прошлом :-)


это ты сама нарисовала???


уже увидела 😀