Trippy Thursday - Egg Strands

in Sketchbook10 months ago

A strand of eggs has been found in the ocean off the shore of Japan.Here is another ballpoint pen drawing for this #trippythursday

Researchers thought it was just another deposit of shark eggs.
On closer examination they began to glow and a strange reptile form wiggled around inside.
Surely this will be some form of aquatic lizard no longer than a few inches.
Once they hatched the researchers realized they were carnivorous and began feeding them wagyu beef.
The "lizards" began growing exponentially and demanding more and more wagyu beef. Now the scientists are feeding entire cows to the pit of lizards.
One day the lizards broke out of the research facility and now they are over 12 feet long.
Once they made it to the cities they began feeding on people and grew even larger. The only way to stop them is to freeze them into a state of hibernation. They are quite indestructible so the only option was to fly them to Antarctica to keep them in a state of hibernation for as long as possible. One day when the magnetic poles shift Antarctica will melt and unleash the lizards.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Japan and giant lizards = Godzilla
Humans coming up with short term fix = predictable
I remember learning in college about how smokestacks work. If whatever you are burning is putting out toxic fumes that are deadly at the concentration created, force them up a tall smokestack. Then calculate the concentration when they are mixed with clean air and drift back down to streetlevel. If it doesn't kill anyone, then problem fixed 🙄

Ha or you can put a rwally long pipe into the ocean to disburse radioactive waste... then it creates mutated giant lizards.