El reto de la semana fueron flores y mi compañera en el grupo de acuarelistas me retó a hacer hortencias, puesto que no es solo una flor sino que esta se compone de muchas flores pequeñas.
Así que incluso desde la parte del boceto empezó a ser todo un reto, porque hacer una pequeña flor es facil, pero lo dificil esta en acomodarlas de tal forma que juntas formen una hortensia.
The challenge of the week was flowers and my partner in the watercolor group challenged me to make hydrangeas, since it is not just one flower but is made up of many small flowers.
So even from the sketch part it started to be quite a challenge, because making a small flower is easy, but the difficult thing is arranging them in such a way that together they form a hydrangea.
Intenté hacer cada flor de forma detallada para no equivocarme con las acuarelas, puse un color base tenue y marqué las zonas de sombra para luego pintar petalo por petalo, tal vez no fue la mejor técnica para hacer estas flores, me hubiese gustado hacerlas con la técnica de húmedo sobre húmedo, pero es una técnica que aun no domino.
I tried to make each flower in detail so as not to make mistakes with the watercolors, I put a weak base color and marked the shadow areas and then painted petal by petal, perhaps it was not the best technique to make these flowers, I would have liked to make them with the wet-on-wet technique, but it is a technique that I have not yet mastered.
Al final, dentro de mis capacidades, el resultado me gustó mucho
In the end, within my capabilities, I really liked the result.
Very nice painting @sarau! I love your attention to detail you put in this painting! I love the colors you used for the flowers too! Keep up the amazing work!
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
― Frank Herbert.