(ENG/ESP) Fanart “Inktober 2024 - Day 16” – Vegeta– Dragon Ball /Fanart “Inktober 2024 – Día 16” – Vegeta – Dragon Ball.

in Sketchbook2 days ago


¡Día 16 del Inktober realizado!

En este día, el personaje de la lista de "Chicos Guapos y Hot de Anime / Videogames" que corresponde es Vegeta, personaje del anime Dragon Ball.

Este anime está basado en el manga homónimo creado por Akira Toriyama.

La primera aparición de Vegeta en la historia, ocurre en Dragon Ball Z, cuando nos encontramos con un Goku joven, casado y con un hijo pequeño, Gohan.

Vegeta, llega a la Tierra junto con otros dos Sayayines, con la intención de conquistarla. Se encontraba bajo las órdenes de un terrible ser llamado Freezer, quien había conquistado su planeta y lo había hecho esclavo.

Vegeta, era el Príncipe de los Saiyans. Su orgullo estaba pisoteado al tener que estar supeditado a las órdenes de Freezer.

Se convierte de esta manera en un enemigo formidable para Goku, quien trataba no sólo de salvar la Tierra sino también a su hijo que había sido secuestrado por uno de ellos como forma de obligarlo a combatir.

En la medida que Vegeta comienza a darse cuenta que, un Saiyan de clase baja como era Goku, lograba tener más poder y su deseo de salvar al planeta de los enemigos, Vegeta comienza a cambiar. Se da cuenta que puede seguir manteniendo su orgullo de Príncipe y empieza a estar del lado de Goku.

Su actitud cambia hasta el punto de termina formando un hogar con una humana (Bulma) y tiene hijos terrícolas.

Su caracter es bastante duro y no es de expresar emociones. Sin embargo, esto no significa que no le importe la gente que es significativa para él. Tuvo una experiencia bastante amarga estando bajo el dominio de Freezer.

A pesar de esto, Vegeta es un padre preocupado por sus hijos y un esposo que demuestra respeto hacia Bulma. En ese aspecto es más responsable que Goku.

El diseño de Vegeta fue cambiando a medida que la historia avanzaba sin embargo, algo permaneció constante: su corta estatura, frente amplia con grandes entradas en el cabello y su peinado puntiagudo que lo hace reconocible fácilmente.

Para el sketch de hoy, quise hacer a Vegeta luego de un entrenamiento reflejando su actitud orgullosa.

Este fue el resultado.

Y algunas capturas del proceso:

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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Day 16 of Inktober completed!

On this day, the character from the "Hot and Handsome Guys from Anime / Videogames" list is Vegeta, a character from the anime Dragon Ball.

This anime is based on the manga of the same name created by Akira Toriyama.

Vegeta's first appearance in the story occurs in Dragon Ball Z, when we meet a young, married Goku with a small son, Gohan.

Vegeta arrives on Earth along with two other Saiyans, intending to conquer it. He was under the orders of a terrible being named Frieza, who had conquered his planet and made him a slave.

Vegeta was the Prince of the Saiyans. His pride was trampled as he had to be subordinate to Frieza's commands.

He thus becomes a formidable enemy for Goku, who was trying not only to save the Earth but also his son, who had been kidnapped by one of them as a way to force him to fight.

As Vegeta begins to realize that a low-class Saiyan like Goku could achieve more power and his desire to save the planet from enemies, Vegeta starts to change. He realizes that he can still maintain his pride as a Prince and begins to side with Goku.

His attitude changes to the point where he ends up forming a home with a human (Bulma) and has Earthling children.

His character is quite tough and he is not one to express emotions. However, this does not mean he does not care about the people who are significant to him. He had a rather bitter experience under Frieza's domination.

Despite this, Vegeta is a concerned father for his children and a husband who shows respect towards Bulma. In that aspect, he is more responsible than Goku.

Vegeta's design changed as the story progressed; however, one thing remained constant: his short stature, broad forehead with large hairline receding, and his spiky hairstyle that makes him easily recognizable.

For today's sketch, I wanted to depict Vegeta after a training session reflecting his proud attitude.
This was the result.

And here are some snapshots of the process:

Until the next article!

*Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

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