Still life art | Bodegón [ENG - ESP]

in Sketchbook11 months ago


I confess that I wasn't a big fan of still life drawing, but that changed a bit when I attended drawing classes. I enjoy drawing portraits and human expressions more, although I admit that drawing objects can have its charm.

To draw still lifes, geometric figures adapted to the objects come into play, as well as symmetry in the composition. It is necessary to pay attention to the lights and shadows of the objects to achieve realism.

It is important to perceive the texture of the objects to replicate them in the objects such as the reflection of light on a glass cup or fruit. You have to have a lot of patience for details like grapes.

The advantage of drawing still life is that you can develop drawing skills such as hand-eye coordination and learn to use the different types of pencils to add depth to the objects.

Only 2H, HB, 2B, 2B, 4B and 6B pencils were used to create this drawing.

Confieso que no era muy fan de hacer bodegones, pero eso cambio un poco cuando asistí a clases de dibujo. Disfruto más haciendo retratos y dibujando expresiones humanas, aunque admito que dibujar objetos puede tener su encanto.

Para dibujar bodegones entra mucho en juego las figuras geométricas adaptada a los objetos, al igual que la simetría en la composición. Hay que prestar atención en las luces y las sombras de los objetos para lograr el realismo.

Es importante percibir la textura de los objetos para replicarlas en los objetos como el reflejo de la luz en una copa de vidrio o en la fruta. Hay que tener mucha paciencia para los detalles como las uvas.

La ventaja de dibujar naturaleza muerta es que se pueden desarrollar habilidades para dibujar como la coordinación mano-ojo y aprender a utilizar los distintos tipos de lápices para agregar profundidad a los objetos.

Para la creación de este dibujo solo se utilizó lápices de 2H, HB, 2B, 4B y 6B.

Drawing creation process:




All rights reserved© All rights reserved
Own content
Resources used: Canva
All photos used in this publication are mine from my family photo album
The rendered logo used in the final image belongs to @marcoquin, special thanks.



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In life, many things happened. By doing process, you will found new thing that you like. That’s a great results and you enjoy doing that 😊

In life, many things happened. By doing process, you will found new thing that you like. That’s a great results and you enjoy doing that 😊

yes, thank you very much for stopping by 😄


Thank you 😊

Wonderful and smooth

Sencillamente hermoso!

Muchas gracias @tesoro4 😊