[PL /ENG] 🐿️ 🍃

in Sketchbooklast month

Dni ostatnio to jakiś rollercoaster emocjonalny i czasowy. No ale proszę. Wiewiórka, która ma tak wielki ogon, że można by się zastanawiać, czy to aby nie liść.
Raptem szkic, reszta AI, więc bez numerka.
Ale i tak fajnie, że widać, że to wiewiórka! 🐿️

The days have been some kind of emotional and hectic rollercoaster lately. Well, here you go. A squirrel that has such a big tail that one would wonder if it's not a leaf.
Just a sketch, the rest of the AI, so no number.
But it's still nice that you can see that it's a squirrel! 🐿️