Splinterlands Art Contest Week 327- Djinn Renova

in Sketchbook2 months ago

djinn renova6.png

I know this one isn't dramatic but it's because it's the back view of this character. And the name of this Djinn Renova a rare character I believe because I haven't seen her on people's blog. I would be dropping a picture of this card for everyone since it was not a front view that was done here. So on this two last picture I was trying to add the blue and green smoke as on the card but I'm not sure my software could make that effect that's the reason y I lest it with the low quality smoke. But although there is no drama due to the absence of the front view I hope you still like this

djinn renova.png

djinn renova1.png

djinn renova2.png

djinn renova3.png

djinn renova4.png

djinn renova5.png

djinn renova7.png

djinn renova6.png



Thanks for sharing! - @isaria

hi.... your artistic ideas is amazing. I like the fact that she's facing backwards,it came out really nice.well done