You may think I have a fixation with whales and bubbles by now (there was a whale in the first scribble-based drawing of this series). In my defense, today's scribble was done by my cat.
As I told in my previous post, our cat is obssessed with fish, so that might explain the emergence of a whale in this drawing.
As for the bubbles, I have no defense. I love circles and there is always the possibility of making one. Probably, my need for harmony, safety, and peace find realization in round shapes.
Niñito reluctantly (like most things cats do for humans) obliged to scribble for me today.
I have been dealing with a terrible soared throat for days and getting frustrated at how slow antibiotics are working. I was not sure I would be able to get anythign done with this exercise, but shapes started to appear shortly.
I guess being trapped in a room for days also favors the impulse to drawing bubbles.
As much as I love circles, though, being in a bubble must not be very fun; unless it is a conscious choice and the possibility of leaving and coming back is always open.
Thanks for stopping by

Hi! I love how the cat holds the pencil. Nice work there! Hope you get better from sickness.
Had to go to the doctor today after almost a week getting treatment at home. All test came out well. I just need to spend some more days under antibiotics. Hopefully, I'll be better next week.
Qué gato tan colaborador, aunque sea a regañadientes !
Yes, he is always a sport
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