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RE: Scenes from the void pt. 4: M I S P L A C E D

in Sketchbook3 years ago

Today, I feel a lot better than I did last week.

Few could ask more.

I've been learning how to surf the tides of my darkness. These days, when I do something good, I'm able to give myself a pat on the back, a few words of appreciation. I also know (and accept) myself a lot more.

There is light in all of us - finding the switch can be difficult - and allowing oneself to appreciate oneself, a progression, positive thought or deed, small act of kindness to another...Sometimes it's that moment in which comes a degree of comfort.

I'd rather change things for the better, even if it's hard, even if it costs me a great deal.

It's often hard; difficult. It will cost you a great deal, as it has with me and others. But in taking that path, the decision to take it initially, lies the opportunity to design and create a better reality, or a different one that is not as dark and foreboding. The darkness will always be there, but through injecting light can one illuminate one's life, and that of others.

but through injecting light can one illuminate one's life, and that of others.

I wanted to say the above twice. There's light in you and people see it. It seems clear that you do also.


Thank you, Galen, for such a sympathetic and sensitive comment. There's indeed plenty of opportunities to design and create a better reality, and I'm willing to take each and every one of them.

The darkness will always be there, but through injecting light can one illuminate one's life, and that of others.

I'll treasure this quote and keep it close, next to my ax, sword, and shield.

You're welcome Eliza. I try to be respectful here, not offer unsolicited advice, and show some support. A lot of what you write resonates with me, and I know with others also, so the thanks goes to you.

I'm glad you like my phrase. I'm a bit of a knucklehead but that just came to me and, reading it back, I sort of like it too. It's just as relevant to me as it is to others.

Keeping it as close to you as your shield, sword and axe must mean you treasure it indeed. That's cool...And I dig that you're a shield-maiden. There's not enough in this watered-down world of ours.
