Watercolor dreams

in Sketchbooklast year

Hello friends!

Since childhood, I have been very fond of the sea and everything connected with it. I like to admire its majestic beauty when it's calm and when the waves are rising. I like to swim and snorkel, watching the underwater world - fish, jellyfish and shrimps. Unfortunately, this year I do not have the opportunity to go to the sea, and it is not known when it will be. I live in Ukraine, there is a war in my country now and seaside towns are being heavily shelled... It's very scary...

The sea remains in my heart and I wanted to draw it.

In my work I used watercolor paints and natural brushes.
First, I marked the outline with paper tape.

At first I painted the sun and the sky.

Next, I painted the sea. I added darker and greener shades to it.

As a symbol of hope, I drew a small sailboat.
This sailboat overcomes all troubles and storms, although this is not always easy for him.
So I continue to hope for the best and believe that the time will come when everything will be fine and my heart is calm.

Thank you for your attention!
I wish you all good and peace!!!


Вот и я люблю рисовать море и кораблики. И тоже хочу Мира и конечно, чтобы нигде не шла война. Отличный пейзаж! А это презент от меня :-)


Презент просто прекрасен!!! от ваших работ всегда исходит тепло и свет)

Мне очень приятно, дорогая @elenka