Drew an underwater scene starting with a chlamydomonas.

in Sketchbooklast year

Hello, I just made a new drawing of an underwater scene. I made the two main characters to be looking at a direction which is suppose to be the Atlantis entrance. The Merman is a guard who seems not to notice that the other lady is a human. He got distracted by something and could not notice because of the the lady's magic ability.

At first all I wanted to do was to draw and label a chlamydomonas offhand for school purpose, but it was a bit boring so I thought of something else to do with my drawing.

Next I shaded the chlamydomonas leaving it's flagellum and chloroplast unshaded.

Next I joined the top of the flagellum to one another to form a collar then I drew the outer part of his clothes shoulder.

Next I completed what he was putting on and drew a leg like structure or let's just say I wanted to draw his legs.



Next I transformed the leglike form to tail. I rotated my book three times before I could figure out how to do that cos I was confused with what kind of leg I was drawing but it came looking like a tail then I went on.


I designed the Merman's tail and started to draw a lady behind him. I drew the lady barefooted and facing the same direction as where the Merman is looking.


Next I shaded around the leg of the lady making her look like a mermaid and I also designed her hair in a float like manner.

For final I drew some other water bodies like hydra, jellyfish, shark and some other water bodies. All that was left was to give the drawing a meaning that people can easily relate to.
With all these process I completed my drawing and thought of sharing the shots not just to my friend alone but to anyone who finds it attractive.
Thanks for viewing.