A new character illustration in my New England Series : Lila Millet

Some could mistake Lila Millet for a Romantic type, a poet or dreamer, finding her often with her little journal. Yet, it was not phrases nor sonnets of sweetness in her little leather book, but sums and ciphers.

Lila Millet was a woman of business and she often meant business. If you happened upon her in a forest glade, leaning over her little book, sharpened pencil her fine kid gloved hand, you'd easily mistake her thus.

Lila Millet ran the local Mercantile and when other ladies dreamed of new bonnets or yardage for a Summer gown, Lila was calculating how much she could charge for such and the best place from which to import them.

A head for business had Lila since a young age when she'd traded her older brothers for their jacks and India rubber ball, only to sell them back to them later for a profit.

Lila Millet ran the local Shop with Pride and shrewdness.

The sketch before color is added.

I've been so busy this past week I hadn't realized it's been almost a week since my last post. And I'd so meant to try and post every other day ,but this time of year always surprises me.

Spring sneaks up on me with the busy Summer well on it's tail.


Some of the layers in GIF form.

Well, off to another busy day. I'm hope all of you find a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions and enjoy Spring (or Autumn depending on what part of the world you happen to live on).


Bunny Portraits



Lila Millet she is a very tender administrator, she probably doesn't leave her book anywhere.

Yes, tallying profits and products are her sonnets and stanzas haha.

Your art gives me so much nostalgia for some reason, the art style is pretty and catchy!

I'm so happy it does! I grew up with old Victorian picture books as a child, so the antique look is sort of engrained in me some how :) To me it just feels like "Home".

Love it! Great work. 😊

Thank you so much.

You're very welcome. Have a great day! 😊

That looks like it should end up on the wall of the Robert frost farm house :D

Gosh, now that would be an honor. I've always meant to make it there, as we often go to NH for skiing, but just never found the time. I bet it's lovely.

I drive past it frequently but have never been inside! We tried once but the driveway was completely packed with snow lol

Ha ha , that's a very NH thing to say haha :)

so pretty!