in Sketchbook3 years ago

Good morning people here today making a slightly different post where I show some sketches that I have made in my little sketchbook, something different from what I always publish in #HIVE and @sketchbook

I have made these drawings some in the gym when I am resting from one exercise to another, also some waiting for the bus, some while I walk in my city


There is always a chance to create, whether in pencil or in color, very detailed or simple, there is always a chance

and 95% of the time I always carry a small notebook and pencil at least so as not to lose good ideas along the way, and it is what I always recommend to those who start to draw

and so ends today's post, something different but the same is what I do, soon more



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Do you sell nft? I would buy them.
The last is epic. But vw-garados is aweosme too

Podría ayudarte a vender esta obra de arte como NFT

hola como esta todo por los momentos no he entrado aun en lo que es el nft pero espero este año que viene entrar y ver que tal me va