I see people and numbers and the numbers stop to matter.
Why the number matter and why people matter. Numbers are nothing more than a measure. Unfortunately numbers are not good for measuring people. That's the confusion.
Each number has a specific value. While a persons value varies from day to day and even through the day. In all of that. The importance of the people does not change.
The problem with Hive is in what it is not doing. It stalled. No one cares because everyone is caught in their own world of creation (used loosely). Thousands of micro worlds and the world we live in forgotten.
I can sat that is truth, because there is no action to show different.
Sometimes the people that are not good with numbers need people that are good to people and good with numbers to help those that are not good with numbers...........
You might want to put that in your paper and have a think.
No one knows what someone is going through or who they are all helping and how just by reading posts.
Just like everyone on Hive doesn't know how most have suffered to be heard.
There is a reason some become quiet and stop talking on the chain.......
There is also a reason not to jump to conclusions.
I have thought much deeper Snook.
You always do!! Why You are my friend!!
There is a lot of action you haven't seen. Ideas are infinitely easier than implementations. You can work really hard and in the end, fail to get things done.
A bit like trying to start something and getting very little support, but you struggle on anyway and eventually get to a level where you might be able to start something. Then other nonsense stands in your way and you carry on with the struggle?
While I do not claim to see every action. There is more people against each other preventing Hive from reaching it's potential. In the big picture I see. Nothing is being done to secure the future of the chain. Reliance on the chain tokens is not a good idea.
The struggle is real! Even sometimes I think about giving up working with other people. The hardest part is not that we are on a blockchain, its that we are still humans 🤣
The hardest part is getting people to move toward the things they want.
Even those who say they think outside the box. Do so only to remain in a neighbouring box.
The big picture is the bridge between people and goals.