I’ve been telling these kids since they were able to run around the house with loaded diapers...
Someone is gonna get a finger smashed and it isn’t gonna feel good.
See look at my black finger nail... I just smashed mine at work not playing around
It happened once before when my daughter got her pinky closed in the hinge side of the door. Her poor pinky looked like a crinkle cut french fry. To this day her pinky has a little left hincus in it.
Chasing each other all over the house, slamming doors, ramming into doors, having a tug of war with the doors, trying to bust into each others rooms...
As I sit there gritting my teeth hoping I don’t hear a blood curdling scream when a finger gets smashed
Then after years and years of warnings... it happened. My son tried to bust into his sister’s room and she slammed the door right on his pointer finger. You know when they are suppose to be brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed... ya that’s when it happens. When they aren’t doing what they are suppose to be doing. Hmmm weird
So the next day when I got off work I took a look at it... yep we need to drain that bad boy. I’ve lost many of fingernails due to being smashed and I know this makes it feel a ton better. All that pressure under the nail pushing it up is very... uncomfortable. So time to grab some small drill bits and get to work on getting a hole drilled in his finger nail.

Is it gonna hurt?
Not really, but it will feel good once that blood gets released out of there.

He didn’t want to use the bigger drill bit until he realized that drill bit was a dull one
I know, just keep applying as much pressure as you can without it hurting and twisting that drill bit. You got this!!
Maybe I will use the bigger one
Wise choice, it is a much sharper bit
Almost there...

I would just reply, “Keep going, you will know when you have made it through the nail”

He made it through!!
Just a little more back and forth with the drill bit to make sure the hole is big enough to relieve all the pressure.

Congratulations Son!! You have just earned a one way ticket to losing a fingernail!
Should have listened all those times I told you guys not to mess with the door...

Your Random
Dose of...

Oh yes! I'm so glad you documented that. Gnarly doesn't quite describe but it's something like that.
I have had this happen to me literally a handful of times... 😉
His wasn’t near as pressurized as my thumb was one time. I swear that thing shot blood across the table. Lol.
Is the kid fully immunized with tetanus shots? You might have introduced some C. Tetani spores on his finger with that drill.
The surgical tools were sterilized prior to use, plus the tiny hole in the nail was flushed out thoroughly with pressurized blood. Then the finger was dipped in rubbing alcohol. 😉😉 I have a lot of experience with these situations... maybe I need to learn how to aim better when I am swinging a hammer. One time I was setting some brick pavers and pounding them into place with a rubber mallet... *Wham!! right on the thumb full swing!! not good.... not good at all...
Only happened to me once and learned my lesson to be around doors. I got some poor aim with a hammer but not as terrifying as losing a nail. They're going to see that visual reminder for a few weeks.
When that new nail grows in under the old one and the old one is just hanging on by a little skin... that sucks and hurts. Then when the skin under the old nail is exposed, that skin is so sensitive its crazy!!
I'm seeing some flashbacks of patients coming into the ER for these reasons. Just assisted having their nails removed with fancy surgeon tools and anesthetics. I can't imagine it being painful initially then becoming an annoyance weeks after.
You work/worked in the ER!! I bet you saw some gnarly stuff.
Posted via D.Buzz
Oh! It seems to be so painful! Hope your son gets well soon.
besides the initial smash, I think the worst part is when the nail actually falls off. The fresh skin under the nail is soo sensitive. He hasn't really skipped a beat, so it doesn't seem to bother him much
I must apologize for my late reply to your comment.
I'm glad to hear that "it doesn't seem to bother him much. ;)
That’s crazy dude. My daughter got hers in a door last month but not nearly as bad as that.
Now, my wife on the other hand ;)
She likes to bite her nails. Two weeks before her due date one gets infected. Being preggo, it was best to get some antibiotics and let the pros drain it. The nurse said she had never seen so much puss come out of a finger before. Needless to say that nail was a goner.
Getting an infection definitely requires a bit more than just a smashed finger...
DAMN!!! That's nasty!!!
Magnificent, there is certainly great joy 😖 Good improvement buddy ⛑️
Posted using Dapplr
Yep, his finger does feel a lot better since we relieved the pressure.
Holy crap.. mommy, mommy... had one of those.. pressure bad.. Had a splinter shoved up under my nail.. Went to emergency, was my middle finger.. gave me 3 shots in the tip to kill the pain before they cut off the nail. The pain from the first needle was an 11...on a scale of 1 to 10..
SCREW THAT!!! A splinter under the nail is like cutting my achilles... MAN DOWN!!! MAN DOWN!!
When I was framing houses one of those lovely splinters would manage to get under the nail... Yes I admit, I held back the tears... But damn it!! I did everything I could to get that thing out of there! The worst slivers have to be from pressure treated wood. They fester up and get nasty real quick.
So ya, when it comes to nail pain, one person might call it a 1 in pain and I would call it a 50... LOL
Wait, someone is stabbing needles in the end of your finger... I'M OUT!!!
Oof yes, I have done that to myself with a drill bit too. A handy tip: heat up a piece of wire around .75mm diameter until it's red hot and it goes though that nail like butter. Much quicker and easier than a drill bit
I have tried that and I just can’t stand the smell. Lol. Then I was all worried I would melt through the nail and into my finger. Hahaha.
Ouch...but I like the improv way of doing things.