in The Man Cave3 months ago

You had the chance to flirt around with women.
You had the chance to smoke, get drunk and club daily.
You had the chance to impregnate my mother and elope.
You had the chance to make my mother an object of ridicule, and tag me a bastard.


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You choose to fall in love with my mother.
You choose to get entangled with her
you refused to cut corners, but you came out straight
you made her yours legally, traditionally and religiously.

You changed her name from Miss to Mrs.
you shared her burdens, and made her your responsibility.

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To prove you had no regrets with her, you went ahead to reproduce.
God had it and she brought forth female children.
Back then, it was believed that “male children are of more relevance than the female children”.
Every man wanted male children, and did away with any woman who could not give birth to a male child.


You proved not to be just any man by having her back until she finally brought forth a male child after six (6) beautiful girls.







You went ahead to treat each and every one of us with high relevance.
You did not have all the money in the world, but you ensured we never slept hungry.
You go around the house by night to ensure all doors are locked, windows are closed and we are protected from cold.
You created time to chat with us and tell us about your childhood days.
You paid attention to our opinions, ignoring the fact that you are the head of the house.

People say that the kitchen is not for men, but you made me believe that kitchen is not gender based.
You always found a way to balance the equations of life; you knew the time to work, time to smile, time to pray for the family,
time to bond with family, time to caution wrongs, time to dress and look good and young always.

You taught me to do the right things, even without an instruction to. I can never forget your catch phrase “mehmah use your initiative”.

Many times, when I misbehaved and cross the line, you discipline me seriously and draw me back with love. You refused being authoritative, but you made me see reasons to your choices.
Now, I am grown and I am out of my childhood stage, but the trainings you gave me are rooted in my heart, never to be forgotten.

Cheers Dad!
Cheers to every father!
cheers to every potential father!