This is something that I have been repeating over and over lately, and I wanted to take the chance to make a post about it and see where you all stand on this issue.
I want to start by showing you something that came to my attention, about how 'TOXIC' our community is.
I watched as much of this video as I could handle. Certainly I am not in disagreement that we have toxic users here - I get downvotes on all my posts from @anddumbcunts as well as a @gangstalking comment on every one of my posts.
I remember the legendary haejin flag wars, and I have chatted with BernieSanders in discord.
posting about.This technology is not designed for User Experience. It is however designed with freedom and ownership in mind, as @theycallmedan has been
My direct response for cryptofinally, this is not really a place to get upvotes. Its a place to own your own content and have it be immutable. Notice that when you are talking about your content and the comments, they are all there, on hive, they are not hard to find, even 6 months later, and they won't be hard to find after a year or two more.
There is no HIVE community.
There is just a bunch of random people doing their own things. Applications can build here and use HIVE in such a way that upvotes and downvotes don't matter (customjson). You can post here and that content is yours. No one else can edit it. They can leave comments, nice - mean - or in between - but they can never get you banned!
You can have your reputation lowered, or raised, and it may not be a reflection of how good of a person you really are.
But no one can stop someone with 'skin in the game' from using HIVE.
This is not a community, it is a technology stack with a lot of people around the world behind it.
There are some communities on HIVE
Within HIVE of course, some communities have developed. We have photography, we have science, we have devs, we have a lot of finance and crypto people, we have television and movies - All within their own little bubbles.
Anyone can create a community on hive and control which users can interact there. They can mute, blacklist or silence any users they choose - in their community, built on HIVE.
Toxic people are generally not apart of a community, they tend to be loaners, but that is not always the case as some groups can and do have toxic members. Surely internet users the world over exist on a spectrum that ranges from delightful to toxic, and its not always the case that these attributes are objective, many things (notoriously "quality") are subjective.
Hive is a Technology Stack
Sure we have built a number of interfaces like and and and and and and and others - HIVE is really a protocol. We can cast 'posts', 'customjsons', or 'wallet transactions' into a magical void and have other people recognize that stuff for what it is!
Different applications can be created to filter, select or direct the actions of accounts on HIVE. There are many possibilities and tons of potential ideas to build - we are a blockchain like others - but better than them!
Staked Hive gives RC which is a rechargeable pool of 'tx fees' so that's how we get away with free tx. (stake to be free). We do fast by having a community selected consortium of block producers (we call them witnesses) - so we are fast and free - and that's FREE SPEECH and FREE BEER.
We don't all agree, we don't all get along and we are definitely not a community. We are a bunch of skin in the game builders in charge of our own destinies - free from the control of centralized overlords.
We are definitely not just a place to 'get votes'. If 'your votes' are ever taken away, you can remember that they weren't 'your votes'. They are a consensus mechanism to distribute inflation to new OWNERS of this platform, and you are paid your due in 7 days - before that they certainly aren't yours.
Any one can cast their vote up or down at any time before the 7 day window closes, and give any post or comment a bit of inflation and future ownership into this platform, or subtract from the total.
Social media on layer 1 has its downsides. Layer 2(s) are constantly being built. Things have started to move fast recently, but buidlers gonna buidl!
I have logged in after many months. I get a clear update about Hive from this post. Thank you.
I would tend to agree with your assessment of the community on Hive. The tech stack itself is neutral. I believe the community has taken on a very broad meaning in crypto as of late. My idea is you have a group of diehards that are tinkering away on the tech, improving it, jostling for positions in the DPOS ranks, forced to work together and make decisions on future upgrades. And then you have the broader niche communities, many built and mingling among one another yet remain independent. The "Hive community" is a blanket statement that can sue some confusion. I've never been the best at naming things; I'll just stick to layer zero.
I agree with your theories behind distribution, keep writing keep pushing dan! @ecosaint boost!
Thank you, @ecoinstant, for breaking it down and @theycallmedan for all the good work you do. If the good did not outweigh the bad, I would not keep coming back and sticking with Hive, through thick and thin, for over 4 years, now :)
OR, there IS a Hive community, but it’s a somewhat dysfunctional community. 😄
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Okay I didn't watch her whole hour long rant, but I got to: she was getting downvoted by Bernie accounts.
Okay, does that suck? Yes. But that isn't "the whole community?" I'm really confused how Bernie being Bernie means that the whole community/ecosystem is toxic. There are literally thousands of people here just doing their thing.
Just do your thing!!!
I would read that medium article! If there is a way to make a healthier environment in such a world where toxicity exists, I am interested (although not really 'in charge' of anything).
And it is probably cliche - you can set up your own front end to read your content or set your own blacklist (like not blacklisting negative rep users) - but such an app does not exist.
dang it I'm multi accounting....
If I was her, rather than trying to be a martyr, she should have talked privately to people like @theycallmedan , @taskmaster4450 (and many others people who are MUCH LARGER stakeholders than this xxxx.. Bernie, InnerHive, horrible person.) and to appeal to them and see if they could help counteract the effects of the horrible person, which I would like to think that they would have taken corrective action, and been the cooler heads mediating this whole scenario.
Yea, I think that the actual whales who truly support hive, should look for sharks like this guy, and do what they can to downvote these type of peoples accounts into oblivion, just as they do to the folks who they attempt to scare away from our blockchain.
This scenario is one of those sad situations, where the person is acting within their rights (voting maliciously) yet they really should be put out of our misery.
Go take a look at all of that persons profile, and come back here and tell me what of value has he produced and put on this blockchain? and then compare/contrast that with the damage that he's done.
Quite damaging to marketing, but it is the reality of the technology stack as we have it!
I think you are right and more solutions are possible.
To be frank, she doesn’t need any “community”. She does pretty well for herself.
This further demonstrate how the general social aspects of layer 1 need to be on layer 2 to deter blanket statements and conflicts like this.
A shift away from the interface, for one 👍
This is why we can't have nice things.
For some Downvotes ,The Whole Hive community should not be abandoned .Downvotes can be fixed on the base of inteligence .in example ,communucate with downvoters and try to conclude the problem with finding solution.
Having that fud video about HIVE.BLOG being toxic is a good thing because there is no such thing as bad publicity! There were also plenty of FUD videos about SHIBA, and cooincedentally they all pop up right before it moons usually. Haters gonna hate, I just laugh and take it with a grain of salt. And no I won't even watch that video, but I believe your review on it. haha
Whatever anyone says about any coin, you must know that coin. So that you do not lose by coming in someone's talk. A good trader always understands the root of everything and has technical knowledge with strategy, only then he takes profit. That's why we have to keep going in and out of any coin with complete information without coming into the talk of anyone.
Yeah I always analyze coins with TA. It is simple, draw a few limes here and there. I like to see where the coin has been, and where it's going. If it gets rejected it usually goes back to where it's been.

Here's Evergrow, not much history to go by, but we can plainly see the main levels to look out for.
And our favorite below, SHIBA!
As we can see, unless it continues straight up, it pumped so hard and fast that there are only a few distinct levels of interest here to! Pretty funny looking chart, looks like dog ear pattern, lol!
I agree. Publicity like that only encourages people to research more about the topics. The curiosity that FUD videos gives fuels the whole "Do Your Own Research" movement and before you know it, another one joins the hive lol
This is such a beautiful way to put it.
!PIZZA !LUV BTW I read somewhere about the potential to have a counter downvote that can only be used on posts that have been downvoted (and only act to counter the effect of the downvoted amount). I think it was presented by @theycallmedan I think it is a great idea.
@freezepeach does this. They counter malicious downvotes.
Thank you! I have been doing it myself but some of the group thinkers being spoken of clearly dont like it so this is helpful.
@ecoinstant, you've been given LUV from @vimukthi.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)
Interesting thoughts, I tend to disagree a lot and I believe she earned her downvotes fair and square.
Why, would, you, not used night mode? That text is too bright xE
I am trying out night mode now
Its easier on the eyes in the evening!
Dang thought this was happening right within the last week or so, I was getting hook lined and sinkered in there until I saw that the video was last year...
got me excited for another bout of watching a good fight.
Oh well, yeah it can get toxic here, in fact it can get toxic anywhere and everywhere.
But I think there are communities. Little hidey holes for groups congregating and hoping that we don't tread some big foot in the pond and get whacked down by the tail in retaliation.
There are many communities, and they are fluid, they are voluntary, and they can make their own rules.
So true. I tend to bounce around shaking the trunks here and there.
Hopefully not stirring a hornets nest and get bit in the arse. In fact I hope I don't step on a big toe by accident. Then again not sure if it will ever pass that I will belong to a community since I like the bounce.
Lots of good communities but not much of a Hive community as a whole mght be a better way to say it. So many amazing people on here, but a handful of people have all the power.
good critical point friend, certainly that is what it is about, even here we are free ...
Cryptocurrency communities don't exist,there's just a passion for a change to our current financial system by it's users.
LeoFinance or Splintertalk can mute users or even prevent them from earning any rewards with a click of a button.
On the HIVE layer you can mute other users if you don't like them, but you can't stop them from posting.
I think this passion for change is powerful, and we must work to understand the technologies we are using - especially if we expect to change the world using them.
No lies about it .
You're right.
Lol.. When you have to announce to everyone why you act out of emotion.
maybe you are expecting too much in the word "community".
@ecoinstant Do you know where/how the original beef developed between cryptofinally and the 2 accounts @innerhive & @xxxxxxxxxx?
I just thinks its really hilarious that people think the amount shown on their posts (before 7 days) is "THEIR" rewards..
I think @enforcer48 knows 😅
Lol nope.
It had something to do with the girl being less chaste than desired.
She had a reputation building and the unnamed one took exception with being represented by that type of reputation.
She wasn't the first to go down like that.
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Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
Learn more at @vimukthi tipped @ecoinstant (x1)
the douche bot hits in 3,2,1....
@frugalgamer, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
oops wrong token. I was hungry i guess.
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Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of from @frugalgamer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Until you take the DV seriously... until you take user experience seriously... your going to continue to have people rage quit like this.
It’s messy. Some of these people could be high value accounts where if trust had been compounded rather than eroded... they might have been small whales eventually.
We don’t know how deep the pockets on the blockchain are. We do know how deep the pockets are off the blockchain. We can’t entice these high value people with statements like, “Hive is a technology stack” that can’t retain its users and hasn’t evolved as a community because currently its this mindset that he or she who can tolerate toxicity longest wins...
I’m sorry but for every person leaving Hive you have a person selling the token that needs to be bought out above $1. Hives price will never go above one $1 until the “die hards” here realize that it’s not just about the “shiny tech” it’s also about HOW we human and how we keep and stay TOGETHER.
Layer 1 influences Layer 0 just like Layer 0 influences Layer 1. What we are seeing is that HOW we human matters AND each is a derivative of each aspect.
It is simple thinking to think that we have arrived and we have the cookie everyone wants! NO! We need to read the feedback and listen carefully to the user experience WHILE we innovate.
Every person leaving the blockchain is a voice out there detracting people away from our blockchain. Marketing will not get easier while Hive maintains unfriendly policies and practices backedUP by the base layer.
Healthy community can’t happen while larger accounts can own smaller ones financially with the DV. This isn’t freedom or ownership this is a recipe for centralization and group think.
No matter how you slice it... A toxic environment isn’t this mythical magical place that’s winning. Not being able to retain high value is a social environment that’s dying right before your very eyes and that isn’t a social environment that makes people want to invite their friends, family, or famous to.
HOW we human matters and there isn’t any shame in rethinking things from the groundUP!
Hive should be a top 10 coin... but until we can get our minds around the importance of scaling user-friendly solutions... we will continue to miss bull market after bull market deluding ourselves that all we got to do is BUIDL it and they will come.
What we are doing on Hive is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reimagine and innovate new and BETTER ways to human... and the sooner we realize this and start doing that as a community... the better!
[Rant Over]
Its not that I disagree, I want to go to the moon too. But trying to convince som people to 'act better' or 'be on their best behavior' hasn't worked very well either.
We need to invite people like this to layer two communities, where user experience can be worked on as a priority.