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RE: Added Wiggle Room

in The Man Cave4 months ago

Yeah there are definitely plenty of times where we go with the flow and let things come naturally. I think I've somehow managed that with scheduling the posts so my thoughts are genuine and not forced and entertaining. For example I was in NO mood to write tonight for various reasons but I am hoping to wake up in a better mood tomorrow and get something done. We shall see!

Ah yes video games was a big one for me as well. I played them religiously for 20 years just about. I gave them up when my wife called me out for being a shitty husband and playing them more than helping her and it was a huge wake up call. I had a bit of a relapse to be honest but about 5 years ago I gave them up entirely and haven't looked back. Occasionally I will play an old school game but nothing at all like I was doing it before. It wasn't worth the loss of my wife and son that's for damn sure!

I'm no saint, I make mistakes constantly but I sure as shit try to fix them and do better the next day.