Ecency please resolved the auto logout issue

in Ask the Hive9 months ago

@ecency is my favorite dapp bulid on top of Hive blockchain, I am using ecency android application almost last 2 to 3 years even before its rebranded to ecency from esteem. It's always a my first choice for doing all activities on hive, ecency is a all in one hive based decentralized application for me

But unfortunately I am still waiting for the support and help from @ecency team and developers, I already posted about this few months ago, I am automatically logged out from ecency especially when I have no activity or not open ecency for few hours


Before I logged in with my private posting key now I tried hivesigner to login in but still facing same problem, it's my humble request to @ecency or any other hive users who have knowledge and experience about blockchain development please help me to understand this

It's happening with me from almost last 6 months, I am really worried, Is it something related to my account security? Because normally we logged out from the traditional applications when someone from another location or device tried to access over account. Is this same or just a ecency Bug?


@melinda010100 can you please help me on this 👆