Thinking about what I personally prefer while browsing through posts here, is a mix of content. Long and short are both ok if you ask me, it all depends on the quality. Some pictures speak louder than a thousand words and therefore don't need a huge amount of text, wouldn't you agree?
Some days I feel like reading some more heavy topics which interest me, other days I feel like only browsing through pictures of artworks to find some inspiration. Those are usually already enough with little text if captured well on camera.
I do feel bad that I'm not as much engaging as I'd like to be (yet), due to other things keeping me busy, but on the other hand, it's a real-life project that I've been wanting to do for years, and finally it's being done. So I will just engage whenever I can.
Curious to read what others feel about the topic, so I will keep an eye out for these answers :) Have a great day!
So far, a mix seems to be the majority.