Have you always wanted to ask me something?
Now is your chance, there won't be another!
(ok, ok, there will)
It has been over a year since I did my monthly AMA.
Hit me up in the comment section with a question and I will do my best to answer it. I post a new AMA post every 2 months or so.
Want to do your own AMA?
--> There is a community for that™ <---
Want to check out my previous AMAs?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
What is an AMA?
AMA is a format popular on Reddit where one person offers to answer questions for a limited period of time.
How long will I answer questions?
I will usually answer them pretty quickly, and I should be around for a few hours. I will continue to answer them as they come in. I am going to hop out in a few hours to go see Violent Santa but will be back to answering questions after.
What type of questions can you ask?
I'm open to pretty much anything but I can give the best answers about:
- Hive
- Hive Witness
- Crypto
- PCs
- AI
- Gaming (Video, Board, Crypto)
- NFTs
- Popping off in Hunt: Showdown
- Yolo SPY 0dte
- Ape Mining Club
- Hive Punks
- Photography
- Development
- Technology
- Raspberry Pi
- 3D Printing
- Productivity
- Movies & TV
- Comedy
- Memes
- Pool maintenance
My recent posts:
Don't feel limited to the above categories, just things I generally know about.
This AMA brought to you while listing to Eminem Houdini
So let's get this shit started!

Few days ago, I wrote my feedback about creator subscriptions by LeoFinance
Feedback on Leofinance Creator Subscriptions: addressing potential abuse, encrypted content, and impact. https://peakd.com/hive-153850/@dlmmqb/creator-subscriptions-tackling-abuse-with-challenges
I wanna know your opinion about this matter. This is my question for today's ama. I will suggest if you deep dive my concerns first. But if you wanna answer directly about your opinion, that's fine as well.
I can probably guess most of your points and I likely feel the same way. Especially as there are already users using it to sell votes.
Regardless of all that, Hive is tiny and I can’t see how this can be all that successful especially since there really isn’t much being offered here that anyone will want to pay for. I suspect there will be a lot of subscription trading.
I am not sure if the abuse issues were thought of or even a concern.
I offered to teach people how to balance a cat on their head for thirty seconds and show off ostriches doing chores around the house but no one was interested in my subscription.
Early days 😁
Glad to see more people who might flag them (abusers) if it gets out of hand.
Hey, at least I would be one willing to pay-to-read that class of stuff. ¿Huh? Well, just for a change, you know?
There are lots of questions I’d really love to ask a highly intelligent and experienced person like you about the hive blockchain system , hive witness, gaming on hive, NFTs, development and productivity, etc.
It will be a thing of joy to me, if you do me the honor of being my guest on my podcast show, where we look into the world of Hive Blockchain and beyond. The podcast focuses on:
Your presence on the show would not only be an honor but also a great opportunity for my audience to learn from your experiences and insights.
To fit your style, you can choose to come up in either an audio or video podcast – whichever suits you best is perfectly fine with me.
I would be deeply grateful if you would consider my request. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of having you on my podcast show.
Hello dear friend, i was wondering why I'm getting down votes from you on my last posts !
If there is something i can fix i wish you tell me.
And thanks a lot.
Why are you downvoting my original content what's the problem and why do blocktrades support your buildawhale farm?
Why do you not downvote gogreenbuddy who votes his own posts tell Steve I said hi 👋🏾
Doesn't answer the questions but hey it just shows how much of a scam hive is with people like you doing as you please and blocktrades is supporting this
I will not be responding unless you answer my questions next time I'll speak to Steve
Do you have some sort of fetish with babies it's quite weird for a grown man to be sending GIFs like this don't you think 🤔
I'll ask you again why are you downvoting my original content what sense does it make I wish you or Steve would try this in real life 😂
Does the Block Time Offset tell you how fast a witness processed a block? And if so what is considered good response time in ms?
No, that's your drift from the timestamp in the block. This needs to be below 3000 ms (3 seconds) to ensure you don't miss blocks, but ideally you want it as close to 100-200ms as possible.
On a 1 to 10 scale, where do you rate Hive's future in the next 5 years?
1 is dead and 10 is moon.
I see you as one of the biggest opponents of Value Plan (at least that was my impression). Could you specify what are the requirements of a good proposal? According to you, of course.
Greetings from Poland!
Bring as much but preferably more value to Hive than it extracts. Most of them are grossly overpriced for little to no benefit to the ecosystem.
Value plan has extracted almost $3M USD from Hive with nothing valuable to show for it. We are not a top 10 blockchain with VC funding we can throw at whatever garbage comes to mind. Or as Value Plan lead says "We have the money, we got to spend it on something".
Thank you!
And what do you think about boreholes in Ghana? At HiveFest there was a screening of a documentary about it. I liked it.
I'm also curious how far the proposal 324 meets your expectations? We tried to prepare it as logically and transparently as possible.
Not sure we are in a financial position to be a charity.
I only looked at it briefly to get the gist of it, but I don't vote proposals. I have no faith in the DHF at this point, it is too silly at this point.
Sure. I don't know how it is in your country, but in Poland cryptocurrencies are mainly associated with scam. Such examples help to bring in a little more trust and build better PR. The mentioned film as it will be screened at festivals can bring value. Whether it will, the future will show.
I don't want to persuade. I understand this approach. I was just curious if it was a well-prepared proposal, because we set ourselves such a challenge. Anyway, when you're in Krakow, it's definitely worth to visit @krolestwo. Thanks for your answers!
99.5% of crypto is.
From what I saw, it looked like one of the better proposal posts. I didn't dig into the details, I just skimmed it really quick. As for value, I didn't look close enough to figure that out.
If hive was under your control what would you do with it?
Stop 90% of the proposals and focus on onboarding.
Interesting. Next time I'll ask "Which ones would you keep in the proposals?".
The HBD Stabilizer
Guess I won't ask that then the next time around.
"Which hive users, you think, would immediately make you their enemy if that were to happen? And why?"
That would be my next one.
Maybe you'll be the genie to grant the third answer.
I'm pretty confident most people don't like me.
I don't think that's true. For one most people don't know you. Any person cannot know everyone so most people is inaccurate. What is there to like about you though? What is likable about you? Are your good qualities being noticed? Not just on hive but in real life in general.
On another note: sometimes those who hate just hate themselves, and if your not resonating in love frequency there is nothing you can do about it. They can't be helped.
You speak of confidence but is it pride? Idk. I ask because of the heavy statement you make here. Maybe yes you have had recently events that can make it seem this way, but maybe each person that has come to kick you down is a test to see if your capable of handling it, no?
Confidence is good when guided with reasonable ideas and with mature filters otherwise, if add will to with confidence but has no clue what they are doing they may just hurt themselves and others in the process.
No need to answer these. Just something to think about.
I like you man, I think you're stern, but fair and you back up your opinions with logic, proof and I see you supporting plenty of users from minnow to whale. Keep up the good work.
Censorship of American civilians has been criminally undertaken by the Biden administration, as alleged in Missouri v. Biden. Recently a variety of globalist figures have made statements alleging governing the USA without the ability to censor people and media platforms is impossible. Much of the world does not make any pretense of offering it's populations the right to speak freely, and Europe and the UK increasingly arrest and jail people for speaking out about corruption and policies they oppose.
How can Hive take advantage of the increasing market of people seeking platforms that allow free speech to grow our userbase - and retain them, as we have failed to do heretofore?
Do you think HIVE is undervalued?
Good afternoon. I wondered what your thoughts were on DIstriator and the #spendhbd project and the way its funded and rewards allocated. Thank you :-)
I am not familiar with that project. Saw the name somewhere but haven’t looked into it.
No problem. To the point :-)
So how's the cat doing?
Hungry as always.
Same same :-)
What is your favorite computer game?
I have been in Hive since 2017 and have invested a few hundreds eur in it. I have close to 10k HP. In the future I will try investing more but do you think that my goal of becoming an orca in another 10 years is realistic?
Dark Souls but currently I mostly play Hunt Showdown.
Growth will speed up as your curation rewards grow but it should be fairly easy to plot out how long it would take. I suspect it will be a while with more investment.
thank you.
Steemit.com has dominated PeakD & Hive Blog in terms of website visitor counts. (Believe me, I hate this fact; it was frustrating when I first heard about it.) But I just want to know:
Apologies for the many questions. I'm just curious about your thoughts since you are one of the high-power users here.
Not surprised. They are marketing more than we are and have a lot more money floating around.
Look at Steemit twitter account should point you in the right direction. Most people don’t know or care about the theft and take over at this point.
an individual Hiver can’t do a whole bunch about it either way. I guess it is mostly where you want to call home. If you have a large stake it is easier to abuse on Steem with it yielding larger returns. Hive has a better community and ecosystem.
What's the best thing to do with ETH besides just hold it?
Funny you should ask.
I just sold 99% of my ETH about 4 hours ago to put on the stock market.
That's actually refreshing to hear. So many people here are crypto maxi's and they think that traditional investments are either worthless or heading that way soon. I see space for both at least for a long while.
I've been more focused on stocks and options these days.
I've noticed that. I wish I understood options better, but I honestly probably don't have the time for it. It's easier for me to just stick with my mutual funds.
A lot less risky too.
For sure! I was looking at my growth chart for my account the other day and it looked like I was getting 19% annual return on average over the past 15 years or so. I can't see how that is accurate, so I have to believe I am reading the chart wrong. Even if it is just a fraction of that, still not too bad for relatively low risk.
Spam and scams seem able to pursue financial returns through other mechanisms than upvotes, so DV's would seem an ineffective mechanism to censor them. Some spam is not financially motivated. IIRC Bernie almost crashed the platform with spam at one point, and that required changes to code consensus witnesses (temporarily) implemented. Later Resource Credits were implemented, which limited such recursive spamming by the stake held, greatly reducing spam's potential impact on the platform.
You have worked diligently to prevent spam and scams from harming Hive and the community, which I reckon makes you an expert on how this mechanism works. Why do DV's work so well to prevent spam and scams on Hive?
They don’t really, it is mainly controlling rewards not censoring.
Censorship is any suppression of information, and disrupting financial mechanisms is one of the primary mechanisms used to effect censorship. It's why Canada seized the bank accounts of people donating to honking truckers, and why that seizure ended the Freedom Convoy.
Anyway, other than DV's there is only resource credits to limit spam and scams, yet you have been very effective in reducing both those harms to the platform for years. Is there some other mechanism you have to discourage them, or has DV'ing them just been that effective?
I don’t think resource credits does jack. It only affects very new users but most spammers it isn’t even an inconvenience.
Downvoting isn’t always effective but it at least protects the reward pool. There are many spammers who persist despite rewards.
Well, I am surprised to hear that, because spam is far less troublesome than it used to be, and my impression was that your efforts, almost singlehandedly, were the reason Hive wasn't unusable due to uncontrollable spam.
Hive has been so reduced in userbase, perhaps not many bother to spam us.
A lot of the spam stayed on steem. Removing rewards tends to discourage spam but you still get mentally ill people like blipborn who persist anyway.
Do you anticipate hiding your identity indefinitely on Hive? I expect a few people have tried to dox you. I've had my own attacks and it can wear you down.
Yes, I have had far to many threats
Good morning Marky, what ever happened to the hive movie that was made?
It was shown briefly if you paid $15 to get access but it is no longer available. I believe they are trying to sell it.
How did you come up with your user name?
My initial name was taken, so I was just trying random stuff using repeating names like you would with a kid, dog dog, marky marky type of thing. Had nothing to do with the singer/actor. At least not consciously.
Do you see a future for Hive? cause I lost all hope and Im Venezuelan we still think we can get rid of Maduro, so hope is not something we easily lose 🤣 also Kamala or Trump?
I don’t know. We are treading water and with the DHF waste doesn’t leave me with a good feeling.
I’d take a random homeless person over either those two happily.
Hey man, ok a few questions for you if I may?
Dogs or Cats and why and have you got either, if so what breed.
Thoughts on Chainlink. I've been holding for six years and thinking of liquidating, as need some funds for grounds around my home.
Have you ever been to Ireland? If you're ever here, let me know and I'll bring you to some great Guinness pubs.
You mentioned above that 99.5% of crypto are scams. I disagree, I'd put the number closer to 99.9% tbh. Can you advise on your top three existing or prospective coins/projects where you see potential returns in the long term. My own top three for context would be Bitcoin, Chainlink and XRP.
Four questions - four answers - thanks for that.
Ya, I agree on dogs, we've two and love them beyond description. I've also had cats who were adorable, but if you push me, the cats win.
Fair enough on Chainlink 👌
Ok. Fair enough. Not everyone's cup of tea. If you were after something easy to drink and tasty, a Mojito might be an option, but maybe drink just isn’t for you and if that's the case, good for you. Better for your health, zero hangovers and full time availability as a designated driver! Being sober has its advantages!
Ok Bitcoin and Ethereum... interesting and not surprising.
Also interesting to hear that there are no other coins/projects that interest or excites out, but if that's how you see it, cool 👍
You have quite a big stake which can be used for the STEM project, but instead, why do you prefer to burn rewards instead ? Is it like the STEM project is dead now from your perspective ?
Primarily due to the excessive waste and bad choices made by the DHF, I am trying to counter what little I can.
No, but tribes mostly are dead in general as they can't really survive on Hive. I still actively maintain STEM and stand behind it having the best tokenomics out of all the tribes. It's just no one really cares and the infrastructure is crumbling.
Hello @themarkymark I get negative votes from your account and @buildawhale as well. Please mention the reasons so that I can fix it.
Fat Gandalf...
dude, get your doctor to fix your meds, there is no need to live in pain.
Well mate, I know you are a chap who likes to do experiments. And I have a good one that would might be of interest to you to try? Nothing really too fancy or complicated, but I have the hunch you might be interested. So my question for you in this AMA is this:
¿Would you be willing to meet me on Discord through DM so we can talk about the experiment?
Perfect! :)
Then just tell me when and I'm ready. Actually, I'll be online for at least 5 more hours tonight.
Oh! and one last question:
¿How comes you didn't put @commentrewarder as beneficiary of this post knowing the high amount of comments you would get through an AMA?
I meant to put it in @hiveqa's AMA community, but they both look similar and I accidentally put it in this one. Didn't even know this one existed.
I'll be around for a bit.
Oh no, I don't mean the community. I don't mean between choosing to post your AMA between "Ask the Hive - HiveQA - AskHive - Quello - Reverio" nor nothing of that.
@commentrewarder is completely a quite different animal within the Hive ecosystem. And I'm honestly very surprised that a guy as well informed as you about what's going on in Hive every minute didn't already know what it is. LoL
Anyway, if you want to know a little about what this new project and initiative is about, I invite you to «click» here.
I know what it is, what I didn't know is there is another AMA community run by @acidyo that requires 80% beneficiary to comment rewarder. I had no idea the community or requirement even existed, I thought I selected @hiveqa's community.
Fair enough bro. :)
Ok, then, just don't forget to tell me when you would be ready to have that "techy" little chitchat with me on discord.
Any secret big project on HIVE???
None that I know of.