So, when you say ponder and chew on things, you're among the dwindling few that actually want to engage the mind rather than react with pure emotion, or find some constant escape. Escape is great, but you can't live there and end up with anything meaningful.
It will be an extreme form of separation, the real haves and havenots. I see it that the children raised as consumers and not with the skills to generate something of value, will be in the havenot group. "Rich dad, poor dad" = "rich content, poor content" ?
though someone must be freeze framing them to pick out every single Easter egg
Time well spent... Imagine what else someone could have done with their time.
And people are mad that they don't have to cram as much of an idea into a smaller space anymore. :)
There is some beauty in this, plenty of ugly too. It is a platform of headlines forming "depth" of opinion.