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RE: If you could vote with a lot of stake for a week, how would you use it?

in Ask the Hive2 years ago (edited)

Hmmm, an interesting question.

I think I would curate manually while keeping the following 'rules' in mind:

  • I would for sure go for quality posts, this one is quite logical I guess. Ofcourse the question than arises: what is quality?
    => Quality posts usually have a decent length, a smooth lay-out, some nice structure and personally I like it to learn something new.

  • I would prefer to upvote posts of lesser known authors rather than posts of whales.

  • Everyone could get max. 1 or 2 upvotes in that week of me, this way the upvotes are more spread among a bigger amount of unique users.

  • I would challenge myself to discover topics / communities which I have never read about. I already try to do it, but it would be an extra motivator to do so.

  • Lastly, atleast of what comes in my mind at the moment, I would reply to the quality posts. It's something I'm already doing. At the moment I see my reply as a kind of 'reward' for the author since my upvoting value is rather small. Reward is not the right word, but it's my best form of interaction / appreciation I could give.

Since it's just for a week, this seems definitely possible to me. When I would have it for a longer time, I guess I would go for the combo of automation (for not missing out on the rewards) and manually (to follow my stated challenges from above, but more loose.