
So as a nooby to the platform I have to navigate a ton of things. Some say delegating is fine, others say not so fine. I really don't know, but I have explained my decision to delegate in previous posts and I believe the rationale is sound.

If I undelegate I have a vote strength that is worth $0.02, if I'm lucky. That will generate me virtually nothing in HP so I can not grow my stake. The delegation gets me a Hive drip and vote support so that once those posts pay out every few days I can power up all of that Hive. I could not do that with the current price of Hive by simply relying on my stake to vote.

Can I ask are you saying that because of the delegation of 923 HP to @pimp.token that is why I am not receiving better rewards for my posts?

If I undelegate I have a vote strength that is worth $0.02, if I'm lucky. That will generate me virtually nothing in HP so I can not grow my stake.

That is only true if you vote comments/posts that barely get past the threshold if at all. If you vote on posts that get past the threshold you'll still receive your fair share of curation rewards (even as little as .001 hp per vote).

I guess what @slobberchops is saying is that as a newcomer it's better to have some stake and delegate part of it out later on when you have more.

Saying that you'll get votes based on your delegation is also not amazing considering if everyone did that then they'd just get their daily voting power returned on a post without sharing it with anyone else. (not saying that's what pimp.token does (I don't know what they do really), but some do it like that which is frowned upon for proof of brain curation).

Perhaps that might be a better way forward I really don't know, there's so much to consider. I will get thinking some more. But thanks for the input.

You did respond to @acidyo's post saying 'who aren't getting the attention we deserve'.., I am letting you know why from my perspective, but that doesn't mean it's everyone's view.

Yes I responded to @acidyo based on your comments. I am considering reducing me delegation by half, because I can see both sides of the argument here. And yes I appreciate what you're saying and your perspective.

Where are you in the UK, there's not so many of us.

I'm in the Bristol area, whereabouts are you man?

By the way I don't know if you saw my message yesterday but I published a post and forgot to add @commentrewarder to the beneficiary despite pledging to use @commentrewarder on all my posts now, I didn't do it on purpose I promise!

Can I ask are you saying that because of the delegation of 923 HP to @pimp.token that is why I am not receiving better rewards for my posts?

Everyone on HIVE has their own opinions about delegation, and so do I. I am not going to suggest you do anything different..., it's your stake and one cardinal rule is 'never tell anyone what to do with their stash'.

But you literally just told me that you do yourself no favours delegating out 95% of your stake. So you are clearly telling me it's unwise to delegate my stake.

That statement is true, but I will never tell anyone what to do with their stake. Do I have to point it out? 😃 I have noticed your content, and it's fine. Enough said?

I'm just getting mixed messages from you. On the one hand you say you never tell people what to do with their stake but I have now clearly got the message from you that I should not be delegating my stake because you told me I'm doing myself no favours delegating my stake.

I'm pleased you like my content and I am putting in 1000% to virtually all my posts. I do have the odd lazy post but even those ones have value in my humble opinion. I guess I have to wonder, if it really is the content that matters most or the relationships we build and the people we know on Hive. Perhaps it's both.

I think he is basically saying he won't tell you what to do with your stash but... A lot of people with stake of any size don't bother voting on people who delegate out a large portion of their hp. It's their business if they want to but it puts a lot of "stakey" off 😃

Yeah I think I'm beginning to understand this whole debate more. I will reconsider my approach I think.

I do have the odd lazy post but even those ones have value in my humble opinion.

If you get/see value in your posts good, doesn't mean others will and it doesn't mean people will vote on them. I won't vote on people who don't stake/power up regularly and do nothing but delegate and extract, no matter how good the post is. My choice.

Might I suggest you make the reward the posting itself and don't presume your own "value" you gain from your posts will be seen by others. Also, maybe stop making it all about your financial reward, that alone makes me not want to vote your posts, and just enjoy the posting for what it is. Have some fun, don't make it a job.

You can do as you please of course, that's blockchain freedom, but also so can others including what to vote or not vote and why. No one is telling you what to do, just passing on many years of experience through having been here for.. well, many years. People are trying to help you.

Everything I earn I power up. I have also bought 818 Hive and powered that up. My total stake is currently 1082. So the vast majority of it has been bought off the market.