If money was no issue, what huge purchase would you make?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago


And the answer doesn't have to be socially acceptable, just tell me what you would purchase for you!

--- Sincerely,
--- MarQ


Half of the total Bitcoins in circulation.

Just in time for the Halvening!

island and a yacht.

Good idea. I think the combination of the two makes it even better. Being stuck on an island is not so much fun.

A lot of stocks.

I know that's a boring answer, but I would love being able to retire and just live off the earnings of those stocks.

Smart move. What stocks would you buy today if you had some leftover money?

I'd just put it into an S&P 500 ETF so I had diversification without having to choose the stocks myself.

Wilderness acreage with water access, timber, and mineral opportunities.

Preparing for a self-sustained life maybe?