Which fruits are the most embarrassing to eat in public?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago

Wait, fruits in public?


I don't know about where you are, but here in Nigeria, people eat fruits a lot because of their abundance, and it's not uneventful to see someone eating, say, an apple, banana or an orange in public.

It's something I try not to do though. I prefer eating my fruits at home and I'm not good at reminding myself to buy some.

However, if there's one fruit I dislike to see being eaten in public, it'd be Mangoes!
Absolutely no caps.

I mean, sure, they're healthy and good sources of vitamins, but, mangoes are one badass SOB when it comes to their consumption. You'd understand this if you've ever sat close to a clumsy person in public who can't figure out how to hold the damn thing.

Like, it's all yellow and slurpy, and they have to peel off the skin and hold it to eat around its big seed. It's almost like it requires a special skill to consume.

So, what do you think? Which fruit totally irks you when someone's eating it in public.


Mangoes are definitely embarrassing as well as watermelon, think about someone eating a whole watermelon in public lol.

It's pretty rad. Lol

I love mangoes but you are absolutely right about eating it in public. The fibre gets stuck between your teeth and there is no dignified way to get them out

Lol. This painted a vivid picture of someone trying to reach them with his fingernails. Hehe.

I am with you on the mango fruit, you definitely need to seat your ass down somewhere less of public to enjoy it and prevent flies bullying you.

however, it depends on an individual, I personally am not comfortable with eating in public. I like to have a seat and enjoy whatever i am eating.
Apples and bananas I can still do in public though

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Eating isn't the problem, it's having someone STARE at you while you're eating. This happened to me once at school, when I looked up and saw a very large girl staring at my food. Turns out she had not brought lunch that day and had no money, so I bought her a very big meal. :)

You're one happy and caring soul. Hehe :)

I prefer eating it indoors. I feel you bro. It irks me too if someone in the public eats it in an unkempt manner. Usually disgusting. Lol.

When they can't even hold it properly or find a place to keep the green epicarp they peeled off. Lol