This is a rather controversial question because our views on what we understand as show off can be different and subjective. However, it's kinda like a general thing; No one likes a show-off.

I think that people who show off too often are being insensitive and emotionally tone deaf to other people's feelings. It's been one of the reasons I tried to avoid certain people in the past.
When you approach a show off with something you think they can help you with, they seem to go on and on about how much they're better off or how good they feel about it. Sometimes, they eventually come around. Sometimes, they don't and they end the 'session' without adding any value to you.
I'm not writing this without experience. Actually, I've had several.
I once got an online course on Forex trading. It was hard to ignore the excruciating fact that while each video spanned for about 30 minutes, the course creator would spend half of it talking about how he used to suck at trading, how he'd blown three accounts in the past, how his current account is doing much better now, blah blah blah!
It made the entire experience difficult and unpleasant for me.
Which is why I am asking this question because I think that while it's okay to try and avoid such people, they're not completely avoidable and sometimes, one might have to adapt to it for the greater good. I mean, isn't that what teamwork often requires?
How would you deal with it then?
How would you cope with a co-worker who's a show-off?
Something that I have learnt is that people who show off do not actually possess what they claim to have so what I normally do is to turn a blind eye to them.
And I don't also trust people who show off because they can do anything to get fame and for others to notice them
True. Me too.
Well. For me I just avoid showoffs. They are sobtiring to me. I just stay there and let them rant on and on and I'm out.
No strength for them mehn
PS : you should read the new pinned message on the AskTheHive community.
I think when asking a question you shouldn't influence the opinion in any way or write much if I can remember.
Thanks. I'll read it too
Alright boss
Uhmmm...not an admirable trait but useful if one decides to be cold-blooded about it. Their need to show off can be used to another's advantage if you understand human nature E.g. ask for a favor the show off wouldn't have granted normally in a public place with people he wants to impress and he'll probably