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RE: How many authors on Hive would you pay to consume their content?

in Ask the Hive2 years ago (edited)

The answer is none but there are many id miss if and when they have stopped posting. It's a fundamental problem with Hive's original economic model and the way it over rewards posts that off chain would earn nothing and under rewards content that would earn money off chain.

On YT, I voluntarily use Patreon to pay for three channels that are both excellently produced and interesting to me. I don't subscribe to Netflix or any other channels but do pay to watch every Leeds game.

Hive has some interesting and lovely people, the 'quality' of their posts is unimportant as I follow them because of them sharing something about their lives online. Almost without exception, I follow no one who posts 'information' posts as generally, those that do are poor, rehashed tosh. A prime example of this would be 99% of Leo finance posts which in my opinion is nothing more than a crypto new aggregation site created by 10 a penny spinners who only post there to try and hit the Leo voter lottery all led by a massively over rewarded cheer leader who shills whatever he thinks is a trendy topic but it matters not. His cheer leaders and autovotes will earn him massively every post and here's another issue...

Because of the reward pool, people will just agree with 'top' author's with big HP for the sake of earning comment rewards. Look at any of the names and no one ever has the balls to disagree with them. It's pathetic and again, due to the way the rewards on Hive work.

Hive has a wonderful and eclectic mix of amazing people at its core but outside this there are too many entitled individuals who care about nothing other than what they can take. Again, all down to how rewards are distributed, stakes are delegated and unauthentic arse licking.

No one wants to pay for content anywhere online if they don't have to and if people do have to, Hive wouldn't be the place to find authors worth paying.

Hive would be even more amazing if there were no rewards, just look how great it is right now in a bear market when it's not worth posting for many people who only want easily earned cash.

Hive is about people, that's why I'm here. Reward is a bonus. One day people will voluntarily share information in the same way as Open source software works and only then will voluntary tipping and altruistic rewarding be the norm, and even that would take a massive paradigm shift in human nature.

Great post topics recently from you fella, I love the fact you're posting your thoughts a lot more.

Have a great week :-)


I'm only here since december 22 and your reply expressed the thoughts which haven't risen in my mind yet. But I'd assume that I would have the same opinion about that once my impression about hive has come into bloom.