Good question. At the moment, I can't think of any. The reason is that there is no shortage of content online whatsoever. Given the vast amount of content on the Internet, it is quite remarkable how tiny a percentage of content creators online create content I'd be willing to pay for. But perhaps that's just a testament to what a miserly bastard I am. :D
I'd call Web 2.0 a scam the likes of which are possible once in a century or more rarely: you set up a company to farm the collective labor of billions and rake in all the profits while paying your little worker bees precisely nothing. Some of the greatest fortunes in history were made using this model.
Hive is at its infancy. The number of Hive users is very small, which is why the rewards per capita are still out of this world. Discontinuing them would be a stupid move, however, because the author rewards are also a stake distribution mechanism the purpose of which is to make the DPoS consensus mechanism as robust as possible.
I'd certainly miss some if they stopped posting but that's mainly because I know them.