Why don't we recruit SNOWDEN to Hive?


If I had the ear of Elon Musk, I would have suggested he never bothered with Twitter and post his thoughts to the Hive Blockchain. He would've made an excellent second layer and brought millions of his followers to our community, but he most likely has never heard of or cares about Hive. Elon would also make it so we could get Hive debit and credit cards too. How cool would it be to be able to withdraw cash anywhere in the world from your HBD balance?

So what about Edward Snowden? Why don't we invite him to our community? He's all about cryptocurrency and decentralization and has millions of followers. Do you think he's ever heard of Hive? I imagine he has. Why do you think he's still using Twitter?

After asking Google how to contact him it said on Quora that you must contact his lawyers first. Well, I'm a nobody and I don't work for any publication so I'll never get to him that way. Maybe one of you reading this can.

The only other option I saw was through Twitter. I don't like Twitter. I never have. It's Boomer-tech in my eyes. I have zero followers and only ever check it to see what Elon Musk is tweeting. When I tried to send Snowden a direct message it came up with a "Who are you?" subscription screen. Sorry, Elon, I'm not giving the richest man on earth eight of my dollars a month, but maybe one of you reading this is a verified Twitter user and can ask him why he doesn't promote Hive.

Time to put on your Don Draper hats...

Have you seen the TV show Mad Men? It's one of the best dramas ever. It starts in 1960 and ends in 1969 showing how the country and characters change during that decade. It is really worth watching if you haven't seen it yet. The main character is an advertising genius who could sell Bibles to atheists. So how would he use his magic with the English language to call out or invite Snowden to our community? Here are some possible ways...

Hey Snowden, I thought you were all about decentralization, so why are you still using Boomer CIA social media like Twitter?

Why isn't Edward Snowden using Hive? Is he still working for the deep state?

If Mr. Snowden really cared about government censorship and decentralization, he'd be on Hive.

Let's do this guys!

I'm a nobody. No one follows me. No one listens to me. I have 35 subscribers on YouTube and zero on Twitter so I need your help getting Snowden's attention or at least calling him out on Twitter.

How hard can it be? Out of the few hundred people who read this post on Hive, there surely is someone with a large social media following that can get this done so let's do it. Let's recruit Snowden to our community! We are the Hive community. We have spoken. This is the way. Get it done!