That's in fact a funny question! And I predict, you'll get TONs of comments below ;)
Though the mechanisms are all available to distribute money, the balance between users receiving tons of rewards versus those that aren't receiving, or receiving very little, is still too skewed. Curator teams are trying to make a difference here, which is super! However when we grow, which most of us want, I suspect this model will not work anymore. We'll end up with a gazillion more users, communities and all that, whilst the HIVE token itself will not grow as much in relative terms. Users will have to deal with lower dollar values on their posts across the board. This is something I always wondered about, even before I joined this community and published my first-ever post to the chain. The fact is, many great content creators slow down and even stop their posting (and engaging) when they see their post rewards drop. We need to think of a different reward model to bring HIVE and all its communities and users into the future.... Oops, this comment starts looking like a post that fits into the RANT and COMPLAINT community... Ok, I'll stop...
As for the answer to your question. Donno to be honest. Obviously, I believe my time spend in the HIVE ecosystem for the greater benefit (like manual curating almost every day, trying to entice others to put effort into what they do in posts and comments, all the time spend for HIVE but not visible on the blockchain), and my time spend on my own posts as well as comments, deserve tons of rewards. However, I still see quite some content that deserves more rewards than they get. That said, also I see tons of users and posts that get way too much rewards {shut up edje, this isn't a RANT comment LOL}.
Anyways, NJOY all that comes out for you with this post ;)