Would You Rather Be Able To Jump Twice As High But Run Half As Fast Or Run Twice As Fast But Jump Half As High?

in Ask the Hive5 years ago


Photo taken by me

Would you rather be able to:
Jump twice as high but run half as fast
Run twice as fast but jump half as high?

It's a tricky one, I know. Think it through and drop your answers in the comments.
It should be fun seeing what everyone's answers are and also the reason behind their answers.
Check the comments for my answer :)


Man that's crazyyyyyy.. Both are good though..
If I wanted to become an athlete like a sprinter I'd choose the former. But say a basketballer I'd choose the latter.

Lol, yes.
But if you could choose only one regardless of the situation, what would it be?

Man it'd be running fast o.
I dont see any real use for jumping high.
It'd be for fun. But running fast would come in more handy.
Say for sports. Maybe if I'm in danger. And other things

Good choice. If I were to choose, I'd choose running over jumping too.

I'd rather be able to run twice as fast, which will make my jump farther and possibly higher from the acceleration :p

Haha, nice one. You're right about possibly jumping farther and I'm with you on this decision :D