What are your New Years Resolutions?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

The most classic question ever around these dates, but why not.

I'm personally going to try and get more organized, I think I've been spreading myself a bit too thin in too many projects, ideas, discussions, plans, etc, not that I don't value each of the ones I'm involved in but I think being more organized will help me be more efficient with everything I got going.

What are yours?

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My new years resolution is to have healthy honey bee colonies, will be my first year raising honey bees so its important for me to take care of them well.

Also looking forward to another successful year of mason bees, would love it if they filled up all the bee boards this year.

I don't generally make resolutions, although I do "set intentions" and maybe it's all pretty much the same thing.

Mostly, my ambition for 2021 is to stay more focused on the projects/activities that add the most value to my life. I have an unfortunate tendency to make sure that everything relating to "Plan B" and even "Plan C" is spic and span before I even start working on Plan A... and it really should be the other way around, because I sometimes find myself in the realization that I am only "part timing" Plan A because I am doing so much peripheral background work.

Dude, firstly thank you for the recent curation on my music posts!!

Secondly, goals - I was just speaking to Mr cwow about this. I have a couple of fitness goals:

Would love to be able to get to 100 push ups & 100 sit ups non-stop this year. I haven't done any of those things since 2019 as I gave up when I started the 2,020km challenge. Managed to get to about 75 on both but it was that final 25 that I couldn't get to! Would also like to get to sub 20 minute 5 km run... why do I do this to myself lol.

Happy new year - hope 2021 is a great one (or at least more positive for everyone!

Am excited about a new year, top of the resolution is to spread more joy, people are living in tough times, and am resolved to become a shoulder to anyone who may need one to lean on.
I have got alot of work to do on myself, talk of character and career, am just gonna work towards each goal I shall spell out in my jotter, work towards them while extending helping hands to those who need one to get up on their feet.

Like an anxious youth I have too many dreams and expectations but I may need set my priorities right and work only on the things that matters the most at a particular time.

Thank you for the question.
I may need some few seconds before the new year to spell out my goals.

My new year's resolutions are common and simple yet very important for me to have a healthy living. My new year's resolution would be the following:

  • Taking time of 1-2 hours of exercise either biking, jogging, or walking at least 5 times a week.
  • No more soft drinks.
  • Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
  • Take a bath in the morning (because I usually take in the evening)

Probably this is ambitious but I'll definitely do!

  • Allocate 5-15% of my earnings for crypto
  • Take care of my finances well.

If I can do these, my 2021 would be an amazing year.

Got a scheduled post coming up for that but going to sum up the content here:

start another insurance policy and retirement fund because I defaulted on my last due to pandemic and financial constraints

put more money on crypto and keep activity on Hive.

buy more gadgets for content creation lkke sound recording setup, laptop and a new wacom tablet.

I didn't include this part on that post but it's worth having on the list, do the things that would make me healthy, study more, and get more exercise.

Happy New Year in advance to you!

Hmm, good question. To be honest I don't make them. I prefer goals and plans. Having said that maybe people should replace the word resolutions with realisations as looking back on the previous year and understanding what went right and wrong is critical to goal setting and planning for the year to come.

I don't know much though, just a small-town Aussie dude...Whatever works for the individual I suppose.

So...My goals (A few anyway)

  1. Sit with Faith and have a one hour reading session each day. (My reading has lapsed in the last six months)
  2. Push more weight, more often. (I've been rehabilitating a frozen shoulder all year, now it's time to lift again)
  3. Do more camping in my off-road camper trailer. (Because it's fucking awesome)
  4. Invest more (I have a strategy but it took a 20% hit in 2020 so...Gotta smash it)
  5. Be more thankful and grateful to others, and show them. (I am always this way, but I want to elevate it)

Anyway, there's a few goals. Each has a plan around it and I'm looking forward to mission-success come December 31 2021.

I like yours too...More organised is something we could all be I guess.

Its a pity I lost my reading hobby, ever since I left the university and thought of how to pursue a career or get a job and settle down, all I think of is investment, money and fashion to earn me financial stability.

Life is really hard around this part of the world and am so limited in health that can't do hard labour for finance purpose.
I remember when I used sit with a friend to read novel, I could finish a thousand pages book in 7days, its was peace fun and I enjoyed the experience, I wish I can get that back...

Reading is very important to me and is a good way to gain a lot of understanding, find relaxation or simply get carried away a little. I hope you manage to find the time to start reading again.


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in 2021 I want to:
Sell more of my paintings
finish a puzzle with 42000 pieces( 6000 pieces are done already)
read more books
workout more.

This year I will make a list of purposes

  1. Organizing my work
  2. Take one course per month
  3. Read new books
  4. Make a savings fund

I think those are the main ones hehe

To be more organized..... That is a great idea!
Resolutions are always a thing at the beginning of the year. I want to achieve more inner calmness.

I have the same sentiments. Spreading myself to thin with my online and offline projects. So, my New Year's resolution will be to focus my time and energy on the projects I already have on my plate and just say NO to new ones, which isn't that difficult but has been hard for me to do. Happy New Year, stay healthy and keep safe! :)

EDIT: how does the reward.app work?

If you add reward.app as beneficiary you can get 100% of liquid rewards from your posts, it's a good service.

Sounds like an awesome app. It will try it in another post. Thanks @jonsnow1983.

hmm where to begin!

i just wanna delve more into the cryptoverse, diversify my portfolio and find a job relevant to my field of study, or crypto related fast. If i don't do this i have to get into the mandatory army in the following months for a year and if that happens my crypto profile here on hive and leo will have a setback .

I will support more LBRY adoption and post only my original cover art for posts. I am all over the place for HIVE but I think that LBRY is very good hosting solution and should have more coverage, and I think that more of my own visual creativity for my posts instead of the free attribution images is better. I don't have any personal new year resolutions I never do that, don't find it exciting.

Like you, I must organize my time. I feel that I am dispersing my energy, so this year I will concentrate my efforts.

On the other hand, in the year that is ending, my expenses were higher than my income, so I will make a plan to better manage my finances.

I wish you a happy new year and may your resolutions come true.

Some years ago, a friend told me about a New Year Resolution he never broke.
The New Year Resolution was to never have New Year Resolution anymore.
For me, since than I just aim (as Robbie sang) to be a better man.

What's good champ. This year has been the shit for me in many aspects of life but I'm finishing it strong, alive, and healthy. My mind is set up for next year. I shall work my ass off and accumulate as much crypto as possible. Though we still are "early adopters" my spider sense tells me that 2021-2022 will be a breaking point overall and I don't wanna fucking miss it nor regret it. I have some debts to pay as well and I shall fucking pay them. It saddens me a bit to end the year with the books in negative but I believe in myself and I know when focused I can make wonders from nothing. Happy new year sport.

Hmmm. My new year's resolution? To be honest I never used to have that. I have a few plans and targets for each new year but I can't say much about calling it a new year resolution.
But I think this time I am gonna do that for 2021.
I can't start listing them out here cause there are much but I am sure to set attainable goals that will become reachable.

To do the ones I couldn't last year.

- Go to bed on time and wake up on time, creating a better sleep schedule
- Go to the gym more often in order to build up my stamina some more
- Be more communicative with others and meet new people

Before the pandemic struck, I was doing great on them all.

lol, sounds like this one wasn't just a "blame the pandemic" excuse, at least not the last one. You can workout at home too, though, there's a subreddit about it somewhere!

That first one, yeah, I've been living in a +2 cycle for a year now, meaning every day I go to sleep 2hours later. I think I get one free night of no sleep every 2 weeks or so!


PS. How could would it be if we could load up gifs with /tenor here in the comments like on Discord.

I tried working out at home but its just not the same. My treadmill is situated in a really bad place and moving it is near impossible without complete dissembly and even then, theres no better place for it, and last I checked, free weights cost a bit too much for me to buy. I could do body weight stuff but I can't muster up the diligence to do it daily.

My sleep schedule is so destroyed. I sleep from 3 AM -(8/9/10/11/12) AM depending on the day. If I could just get back up at 7 AM and fall asleep at midnight like I used to it'd be great.

Yell at @asgarth and @jarvie from the @peakd team and they might be able to help us get gifs and tenor in here.

What do you mean? GIF had been here for ages:


Joking ...I just released this on beta.peakd.com, give it a try and let me know ;)

That's pretty interesting, so I'm not the only one who finds +2 more convenient than the regular 24h schedule.

Yeah.. A great question right...that's the question I gave in my community as a contest. Quite having great entries and engagement in their posts.

Anyways, here is mine:

I have personal resolutions of getting myself a PC laptop (don't have one), a good phone (this one I'm using is wack), buy a new guitar, have more fun in my life (I am not a fun guy, I just stay keeping my life busy with work), resume back to school (I'm still a student though).

Don't forget to send me an audio play of your guitar when you buy it, I love music and was in the choir once.
Talking about fun, maybe that part of my life has been paused for now for too many reasons and am living a boring life at the moment. 😂😂😂

For that school part ehn, I desire nothing but a first class from you, scholar 😂

Lol... Very funny.. Let's start with the school part: I have never been one who is always too concerned about grades though.. In Nigeria and maybe other places around the world, a first class does not guarantee a comfortable job that can pay for all ones needs. Presently there are many first class still on the street in search for jobs. I guess you already know that.

Even though with my lack of seriousness in school, I have always been very much far above average.

I have a guitar presently, If I am less busy, I would look for a song to play cover on then post it on Hive. Probably in future, I will hold a concert in the SMILE discord server inviting musicians outside Hive though, I will pay them to come over then onboard them into Hive.

I can bet that your life is not as boring as mine. I have never had time to go to the cinema or let me say never been to the cinema, I have never swam before, I have never tasted pizza before, I don't drink much of alcohol only very little.

It is well... We will scale through everything, both school career job and our personal life.
Just keep good vibes and cheers to the future and better lives.

Thanks so much friend. I really appreciate your comments. 🤗

Thanks for the tip @acidyo...

Just as everyone have that zeal to grow or succeed in live as I also do, my new year resolution is to set my priorities right. There are so many things I would love to achieve in 2021 but one thing I'm working on is to prioritize them and plan towards them.

Happy holiday @acidyo

I'm going to think faster than this year.

Get enough money for my penis reduction surgery!

or you can sell the BMW

I'm working hard to acquire 1 BTC till end of the 2021

Sounds like a tough cookie

I caught you... you're a neoNazi or a Chinese Spy right? 888



I agree with what you say, if you work on several projects the organization becomes a key factor in getting the best out of that work. I too will organize myself better next year, in fact I have already started doing it during this holiday period.

My resolution for 2021 is 1900x1200 😁

Try this :p


Expanding my home bar. It's going to be a fun year!

PS. There's of course also people who don't have any, or know they'll break them a few days in anyway, but feel free to share anyway if there's something you'd want to change about yourself in the coming year.

something you'd want to change about yourself in the coming year.

I'd like to be 32...Being 50 (51 in March) sucks. :)

But, think of it this way. Now that I know you're 50, you can adopt me as your son. And, then you can leave me in the will for all your gats. Isn't that enough to brighten up your day?

Lol...Ok but I'm not a parent already so might not be a very good dad! I might be a bit strict...Or might be a bad influence. 😂

One thing I know though, I know you'd look after said gats well. 👍


If by treating them well you mean drooling on them and caressing them all over my nude body, while then reenacting the You talkin' to me scene from Taxi Driver in the mirror, then yes. Yes I would.

Well that certainly sounds like a legit use of firearms for sure. well done son.

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That sounds like a nice age you'd want to be, I'd still take a -10 on that too, though. :p

Lol...Yeah people say that but for me I was pretty fucking set at 32. Strong as fuck, financially ok...No thoughts about old age...Now, staring down my 50's...Strong as...Erm...Well, strong in the mind...But financially ok I guess...That's something.

Still, 22 sounds ok too...God, I can hardly remember what I was doing at 22...Well, I can, but can't say it here. 😈

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we all hope that in the future it will be more successful 😊💯