We have a bot set up in OCD that alerts us of user's first posts, we then have curators check on each and follow those that seem genuine/real (since unfortunately there's still many attempts of fake intro posts/stolen content from elsewhere/fake ID/etc). The thing that helps us out the most to distinguish that is if the onboarder leaves a welcoming comment under their intro post + if the intro post mentions who onboarded them/how they found out about Hive.
We then follow them with the @lovesniper account and curate the @lovesniper/feed now and then to help with retention, giving them feedback and suggest communities they may be interested in in the hopes they'll stick around long enough to learn about Hive and why it's amazing.
We're also working on a system where whenever @lovesniper follows someone @ocd will automatically delegate some RC to them to make sure they don't get locked out.
This information is very useful, thank you!
That's awesome 🙌 I love the idea of the more genuine New Bees having enough rc to comment, post, follow, etc