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RE: If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive5 months ago

Hey, first off nice to see you posting in the community!

I guess it would depend a bit, for instance your idea would be better utilized if you knew when those superpowered 24h were to occur so you could prepare on time to track down names of important people so you wouldn't have to do it during those 24h.

For me at this point in time I guess I'd wanna be able to pop that limitless pill and see to it that I can get as much of my ideas started and going during those 24h, maybe even learn how to code real quick since it's one of the things that's kind of blocked me over the years from doing things I wanna do. Although I have to say being a part of this community has sure made connections with the people who can code and help out a lot easier and being able to trust them that they won't scam/rug you which I'd have a hard time trusting people outside the ecosystem.

If I'd be more selfish I guess being able to teleport, I'd just wear a mask+costume during the 24h and simply teleport myself "successfully" to some high value places to take from the rich/spoiled and give to the poor while also putting aside a big chunk for myself to maybe make it easier to accomplish my ideas mentioned earlier.

Imagine just going into some areas with a lot of gold bars/high value items that don't weigh a lot but can easily be given to others and have them resell it without authorities being able to stop them since it's happening in too many places at once and spread out to others too quickly to successfully be tracked and handled. If that all could be done without it costing the countries/governments too much and if it'd help out a lot of people struggling in this economy I don't see the big harm. Maybe it'll give people a kickstart to realize it's time for universal basic income to demand it after getting a taste of it in this day and age where AI and robotics are slowly starting to creep into our labor force and even intellectual/creative section.

Just make life easier and a blessing for people, they've already drawn the lucky straw of being born in this day and age and the world isn't going to fall apart just because they don't wanna slave away at their dead end jobs. Let them live and explore life, family and the world without the constant stress just to make a few luckier people richer.


Maybe the superpower will allow me to just scan quickly with my head and the knowledge that I can get will be instant and do not have to think about names. Like scanning the internet I guess haha dunno.

I thought about the limitless pill effect too, but then I also thought about the aftermath. How can I execute all those wonderful ideas once the superpower is gone. T_T

Lol becoming Robinhood sure is also one way to steal but not face the consequences but also help someone else!