Today I sorted through my summer of 2021 archives. I think I almost did not share most part of my "macro" genre captures. So, I will continue to share. All photos were taken with Canon 5D + Sigma 150mm.
Сегодня я разбирал архивы за лето 2021 года. Я почти не показывал всё то, что у меня накопилось с прошлого лета в жанре "макро". Продолжу делиться. Все фотографии сняты связкой Canon 5D + Sigma 150mm.
A bug on a dried strawberry leaf (thats why it was red). Mimicry!
Клоп на засохшем листке земляники. Мимикрия!
View of his soft abdomen from below. 200% mimicry! As long as the bug is not moving, it is impossible to notice it.
Вид на его мягкое брюшко снизу. 200% мимикрия! Пока клоп не движется, заметить его невозможно.
The side face of its shell is a non-stop ornament. Very beautiful shell!
Боковая грань на его панцире - сплошной орнамент. Очень красивый панцирь!
And this creature is not fun at all, I am glad that I rarely or never meet it at my summer place. Goat moth is the name, in Latin: Cossus cossus. Its larvae, caterpillar also known as a willow worm, is a serious pest of gardens and forests. Thick, fleshy caterpillars can reach up to 10 cm in length! They are distinguished by a characteristic brown-raspberry color and a strong smell of wood vinegar.
А это создание - не забава ни разу, я откровенно рад, что редко или совсем никогда не встречаю его в своем летнем месте. Ивовый древоточец (также называемый ивовым червем, латинское имя Cossus Cossus) — серьезный вредитель садов и лесов. Толстые, мясистые гусеницы могут достигать 10 см в длину! Их отличает характерный буро-малиновый цвет и сильный запах древесного уксуса.
Caterpillars feed in the trunks and branches of a wide trees variety, but prefer willow or poplar wood, for which they got their second name "willow worm".
Гусеницы этой бабочки предпочитают питаться древесиной ивы или тополя, за что и получили свое название "ивовый червь".
This one was pretty easy to identify...
...for its characteristic posture and movement method. This caterpillar is called in Russian "surveyor". This is the Feathered thorn moth larva (Latin name: Colotois pennaria). The caterpillar feeds on birch, oak, poplar, willow, linden, alder, plum, pear, apple, and elm.
За свою характерную позу и метод передвижения, эту гусеницу зовут "землемер". Это личинка бабочки Пяденица хохлатая (Latin name: Colotois pennaria). Гусеница питается на берёзе, дубе, тополе, иве, липе, ольхе, сливе, груше, яблоне, и вязе.
Wonderful mimicry master! I don't understand how I discovered it. In fact, I was engaged in the work of clearing the site of thickets of willows - I stood in a ditch and cut off willow shoots with pruning shears. Apparently, I disturbed the peacefully feeding caterpillar, because it began to move - then I noticed it. I placed it on a stump, put the pruner aside and ran home for the camera ... and when I returned, with great difficulty I was able to find the caterpillar again. No, she did not run away from that stump, she just stretched out, froze and pretended to be a bitch. And in this state, it is almost impossible to notice her against the background of other branches! Can you find it yourself?
Замечательный мастер мимикрии! Я сам не понимаю, как я ее обнаружил. На самом деле, я занимался работой по очистке участка от зарослей ивняка - стоял в канаве и отрезал секатором побеги ивы. Видимо, я потревожил мирно питавшуюся гусеницу, потому что она начала двигаться - тут-то я ее и заметил. Я поместил ее на пенек, отложил секатор в сторону и сбегал домой за камерой... а когда вернулся, с большим трудом смог найти гусеницу заново. Нет, она не убежала с того пенька, просто она вытянулась, замерла и изобразила из себя сучок. И в таком состоянии заметить ее на фоне других сучков - почти невозможно!
When I came back, I equipped myself with a camera but more so, I also grabbed my daughter - to brag about my find, and show her this clear and interesting example of mimicry. The baby was delighted, and even granted the caterpillar a special name: "Maria Ivanovna". (In the frame above, you can see the stump where I left the caterpillar while running after the camera). All in all, it was a very successful find!
Я вернулся обратно захватив с собой не только камеру, но и мою дочку - чтобы похвастаться своей находкой, и показать ей этот наглядный и интересный пример мимикрии. Детка была в полном восторге, и даже дала гусенице специальное имя: "Марья Ивановна". (В кадре выше вы можете увидеть тот пенёк, на котором я оставлял гусеницу пока бегал за камерой).
location: | Vyritza, Russia | July 2021 | natural light |
camera/lens: | Canon 5D | Sigma 150mm | raw-conv |
f/2.8 | t 1/125 | ISO 125 | -- |
Thanks for walking with me, see you next time. Надеюсь, вам было приятно прогуляться со мной!
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I like the last caterpillar 🐛 the best. Hard to find sometimes, but you did.
Great macros!
Have a wonderful day today 👋🏻☀️Beautiful captures @qwerrie
I am doing my best, thank you! 🙏
They all are beautiful bugs in your photos. They are beauty of nature. Love them all.
thanks you, thanks you, the compliment is warmly accepted! 😍😍
My pleasure 😇🙂
Beautiful pictures...😍
These are stunning photos, and I love that you added the Latin names. It makes it easier to do research on them.
I try to do my best. Sometimes its hard to identify, sometimes its easy -- with the help of Google lens. TNX for the visit, and have a nice day! 🙏
I miss looking at bugs! Spent years at varsity doing it, now I look at a pc screen all day long. It's wonderful to see these amazing photos.
me too, me too... a good thing is sometimes I can pull my eyes and dig into my digital archives -- sweet memories!
That's always helpful!
What beautiful macro shots, I loved the first picture of the Asian bed bug.
Caterpillars are also beautiful, but they are those creatures that you do not want in your garden
Have a beautiful dayHello dear friend @qwerrie good day
" those creatures that you do not want in your garden" -- exactly as I wrote above. I am torn between the desire to take beautiful pictures with caterpillars, and the desire to never see these guests in my garden
))))) as simple as that, haha. glad you enjoyed the visuals, have a nice day too! 🍀
Amazing! Life in macro is just different. You see the world differently, especially the small bugs and insects. It is only when you appreciate the small that you realize how intricate and complex life really is. Amazing photographs!
some of these were not bad, agree. a good thing is that I do not present all the unsuccessfull blurry takes, haha 😜 thanx for the compliment - !BEER
Yes! My computer is full of those blurry unsuccessful ones. It takes too much time to delete all of the images so I just store them!
haha, brilliant! such a funny comment...
do you shoot them as jpeg or as .raw?.. raw file from full frame camera makes this scenario to be very hard one... I just cant let myself do so 😂
(Un)Luckily I do not shoot in RAW, so I do not have that problem as of now. I always did, but my computer is a bit on the old side haha.
Well, what can I say... 1st 12 years of my amateur digital cameraman career I also neglected the raws (because I considered myself to be good at jpegs editing, hahaha). In recent years, I have changed my point of view by 180%. Raws are not evil but very, very good magic! the problem is, they devour the lifetime for their processing and harddisc storage space like crazy! 😜
That is indeed the biggest problem! And I need some new software, like photoshop. I am using an outdated old program from my youth.
Time for some change it seems!
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after I read or listened to the contents of the writing in the post you shared this time, I was a little impressed with the lens you used, I think the lens you use is pretty good.
the picture of the leaf insect which is in the order of number 3 that you take the picture to the side, the picture is a little less clear, for the background or background it is perfect in my opinion... I smiled a little when I saw behind the leaf insect it was the green background, I immediately thought the green background must be the color of the leaves, of course the color of the surrounding nature...
I wish you good health always,,,,,,, thank you very much for sharing about macro images
yes, naturally strawberry's leaves are green, that certain one was a dried diseased thats why it isnt green.
Sigma 150mm is a good lens, with a nice bokeh. not the best one out there, but I used to it and ow I like it, sometimes it becomes my everyday choice, cause it is good for capturing #streetphoto and city life of the streets, which is my other fave subject to shoot.
Прелесть.) Интересно, кому пришла мысль нюхать древоточца, что бы определить, что он пахнет древесным уксусом... И теперь я в раздумьях, как пахнет древесный уксус.😵
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 21/41) Liquid rewards.
Nice shots my friend!!
Best regards. ☺️
thanks for the compliment 🍀
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Hey @nightportraits, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Such marvelous macros! Wonderful! 😃
Бррр.... руками трогает гусеницу... бррр
не только! она и лягуху может. а в данном случае, пыталась подружить гусеницу с улиткой, хехе - экспериментатор :)