Some Beautiful Classic Toys.Definitely Want To Own It!!

in Toys on Hive2 years ago

When I see toys for children, I am also interested because the variety of classics is really good and I know for sure we all love these toys.Toys made of an alloy of iron and wood will make them durable and not easily damaged.


Tonight I spent my time buying classic toys to display at my house. At first I thought this shop sells toys for children so I brought my nephew here. Up here I started to be interested in some toys that are not only sold for children, but also sold for adult toy lovers.The toys that interest me are three types of bicycles, motorcycles and sea-boats.

Why do I like toy vehicles?

Because from a young age when it came to toys I was more interested in vehicles and that continues until now and also because my family doesn't have a luxury vehicle, hopefully in the future I can have the vehicle of my dreams.

I write this post in two languages, namely left English and right Indonesian because I come from Indonesia and English is an international language

Classic Bike



This toy bike is made classic of metal so it's hard to break if it falls. For me, toys made of wood and metal will last longer than plastic.In my experience buying iron toys can last for years compared to plastic toys that I buy usually only last a few months.

This classic bicycle is designed like an old school bicycle from the 90s and below where this bicycle is rarely seen nowadays, especially now that there are many electronic bicycles that use batteries and bicycles are now more concerned with the style of the bicycle than the quality of the bicycle.

Sepeda Klasik seluruhnya terbuat dari logam sehingga sulit untuk istirahat jika jatuh. Untuk saya, mainan yang terbuat dari kayu dan logam akan bertahan lebih lama dari plastik. Dalam pengalaman saya membeli mainan besi dapat bertahan selama bertahun-tahun dibandingkan dengan mainan plastik yang saya beli biasanya hanya bertahan beberapa bulan. Sepeda klasik ini dirancang seperti sepeda sekolah tua dari tahun 90-an dan di bawah di mana sepeda ini jarang terlihat saat ini, terutama sekarang karena ada banyak sepeda elektronik yang menggunakan baterai dan sepeda sekarang lebih mementingkan gaya sepeda daripada kualitas sepeda.

  • Front View

The front tires and lights are also made of iron, a type of aluminum iron which is refined. Indeed, the manufacture of this bicycle is a little difficult and in my opinion this is produced by experts in this field.
Ban dan lampu depan juga terbuat dari besi, sejenis besi aluminium yang halus. Memang, pembuatan sepeda ini sedikit sulit dan menurut saya ini diproduksi oleh para ahli di bidang ini.

  • Rear View


The rear tires are also the same as the front tires, both made of refined iron and designed like original bicycle tires. The rear tires also use a fork to support the bicycle which is made in a square position from the bicycle tire.
Ban belakang juga sama dengan ban depan, keduanya terbuat dari besi halus dan dirancang seperti ban sepeda asli. Ban belakang juga menggunakan garpu untuk menopang sepeda yang dibuat dalam posisi persegi dari ban sepeda.


This bike is sold for $ 10 or Rp.145,000




<centerEnglish After liking bicycles, I liked motorbikes because I saw that this motorbike had an attraction for young people like me and when we were young, we really liked bicycles first, then motorcycles and then cars.

This motorbike is made of metal all over its body which is designed in the standard style of youth motorbikes. I think the makers of this classic toy are young people. If the seller is indeed my age, around 24 years old.

<centerIndonesia Sesudah menyukai sepeda saya menyukai motor karena saya lihat motor ini memiliki daya tarik kendaraan bagi kalangan pemuda seperti saya dan kalau dari kecil memang pertama kita menyukai sepeda kemudian motor dan baru mobil.

Motor ini terbuat dengan besi seluruh tubuhnya yang di desain dengan gaya standar motor kaum pemuda,Saya rasa pembuat mainan klasik ini adalah anak muda kalau penjualnya memang anak sebaya saya berumur sekitar 24 tahun.

  • Front view


The front of this motorbike, if you look at the wheels and lights, is also made of refined iron so that the weight of this motorbike is all iron, which I estimate is around half a kilogram.
Depan motor ini jika di lihat dari roda dan lampu juga terbuat dari besi yang di haluskan sehingga berat dari motor ini semua berat besi yang saya perkirakan sekitar setengah kilo gram.

  • Back View


The rear wheel of this toy motorbike is also made of iron and the wheel cover is very well designed so if we look at it it is almost the same as the original motorbike. I am also a little interested in the red and shiny motorbike lights.
Roda belakang motor mainan ini juga terbuat dari besi dan penutup roda yang sangat bagus desainnya sehingga jika kita lihat hampir sama dengan motor asli.saya juga sedikit tertarik dengan lampu motor ini yang berwarna merah dan mengkilau.


This motorbike is sold for $ 15 or IDR 200,000

Sailing boat



Our sailing ship this time is made entirely of pseudo-wood due to the old ship design as we know. Sailing ships in the past weren't made of iron like the ships we see today. What made me interested in this sailing ship was that it was similar to the ship in the film. - I have never seen pirate films, pirate films using modern ships, even though there are still pirates now.
Kapal Layar kita kali ini di buat dari kayu semu keseluruhannya dikarenakan desain kapal yang jaman dulu seperti hal kita tau Kapal layar jaman dulu belum terbuat dari besi seperti kapal sekarang yang kita lihat.Yang membuat saya tertarik pada kapal layar ini adalah mirip dengan kapal di film - film bajak laut,film bajak laut tidak pernah saya lihat memakai kapal moderen walaupun sekarang masih ada bajak laut.

  • Front View


The front view of the Kayar Ship is somewhat cool because if I look at it it looks thin which has a front beam like a line, if we see in a pirate film on the front wood this is where the ship's handler walks
Tampilan depan Kapal Kayar ini terbilang sedikit keren karena jika saya pandang terlihat kurus yang memiliki kayu depan seperti garis,jika kita lihat di film bajak laut di kayu depan ini tempat berjalan sang pawang kapal

  • Back View


The back of this sailing ship is not very attractive in my eyes because there is no special design here, I would like it again if it was made a little unique like a logo or something on the back.
Belakang kapal layar ini tidak terlalu menarik di mata saya karena tidak ada desain khusu di sini,saya akan menyukainya lagi jika di buat sedikit keunikan seperti logo atau apapun di belakang.

This ship is sold for $ 20 or IDR 295,000

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,


Wow this toy makes me interested

Thank you for reading..if you want to have it come to my place

If I want to have it I have to look where

Come to my place in Aceh, Indonesia


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