Human beings are social beings, that is undeniable, now that these relationships are easy that is another story, all relationships have ups and downs. Whether with family, friends and not to mention the love, hahaha, of the latter I think, more gifts and details that remind us of what that relationship involved, good times and / or bad, just about a stuffed animal that my first boyfriend gave me turns this publication.
I was 18 years old and I remember that I met in my workplace, a fast food restaurant, that young man named Richard, he was my first boyfriend, the truth is that I was and still am spoiled, he used to have details with me, but I do not remember the reason or what behavior I had at some exact moment that he was a little upset, because I seemed, if I remember correctly, ungrateful, because I put the but or bad face, to every detail he gave me, so he decided to talk to me and also to teach me a lesson.
Now, at that time Swatch watches were very fashionable, it was a real craze, all young people wanted one, there were different models and colors, so for my birthday I wanted a specific model and I remember perfectly that we saw it every day, while we walked along the boulevard of Sabana Grande, after leaving work, so he agreed to give it to me.
So the big day came and when I got home, he brought a small bag, which to my surprise when I opened it contained a small stuffed animal of a koala that was one of many that I had told him I thought were cute, they sold them in a store where I always made a stop to see their beauties, obviously it was not what I expected, To my surprise and because I did not protest for not getting what Richard had agreed as a gift, since I really liked the stuffed animal, he took out another present that he had hidden and it was that watch that I wanted so much.
On the other hand, although that relationship ended many years ago, but I have that stuffed animal that I still treasure and with a faded nose (I paint it with a marker), due to washes that I have given him to remove the dust that falls on it, because it is on a shelf, along with other stuffed animals that also gave me that boyfriend and one that his mother gave me, so this mini Koala is valued as a beautiful memory, but this is special, because it represents one of the animals that I find tender and special. So this is the story of how this stuffed animal of 15 centimeters, came to my life and the reason why I still have it, it is a beauty and its face is really very similar to that of the Koalas, besides it is not common to see koala stuffed animals.
Finalmente, les comento para quienes no lo sabían que amo los peluches especialmente los osos, así que aun ya pasado un tiempo hay cosas que conservo, pues fueron muestra del cariño, aprecio y afecto, ahora me retiro deseando que si tú también tengas algún peluche o juguete que te traiga recuerdos pues compártelo conmigo en los comentarios
Finally, I comment for those who did not know that I love stuffed animals especially bears, so even after a while there are things that I keep, because they were a sign of love, appreciation and affection, now I retire wishing that if you also have a stuffed animal or toy that brings you memories then share it with me in the comments.
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Comunidades y proyectos que me apoyan / Communities and projects that support me

Art made by @oscarps

@aliento initiative by @eddiespino and @grisvisa
Que bello tu koala y grandioso sé porque veo a estos animales y desde pequeño me llena de paz y serenidad.
Gracias por compartir, saludos.
Son animalitos hermosos @rodrikun17 con una carita tan tierna que provoca abrazarlos y besarlos, se van como señalas llenos de paz y serenidad, gracias por pasar a comentar, un gran abrazo para ti.
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Que bello peluche y que buena leccion, me alegro que aun lo conserves, justohoy hablaba con mi hija que ella tiene un conejo que fue mio y que ya tiene como 30 años de antiguo jeje, esos tesoros son invaluables. Saludos amiga.
Amiga que malvada soy, no te había respondido, en cuanto a la publicación, realmente fue una lección y claro que lo conservo es muy bello, me encanta saber que Isa tiene uno de tus peluches, es algo tierno y lindo.
Very lovely koala you got there! I hope you and your ex boyfriend are in much happier places now 🌻🐨
Yes, that Kola is a beauty, I met that ex-boyfriend a few years ago and he was very well, he was married and had children, I already had my son too.