Mental Health Awareness.

in Cent5 days ago

Hello everyone.
Good day and welcome!

To commensurate the WMHD 2024
I’ll like to dive into the topic: Mental Health Awareness.

We live in a society where “Mr. A” SAYS I do not need a friend with negative (bad) energy. To them friends with negative energy are friends who are so vocal about their everyday problems, and so they push them away.

Also, in our society today, where individuals have differs stress thresholds.
For example, “Miss A” may find a joke very funny but that same joke may be very offensive to “Miss B”. In such situations, we easily conclude that Miss B is just too easily angered, yet we’re not willing to find out why she reacts differently to such a “light or small” joke.

The truth is that mental health begins with self-care and compassion.
It is a journey and not a destination.
I’m pretty sure that majority of us have heard of Physical health and most of us even offered Physical Health Education (P.H.E) as a subject in either primary or secondary school but we’ve heard little or nothing about mental health and this is not so good because our mental health is as vital as our physical health.

What then is Mental Health?

Firstly, the World Health Organization (W.H.O) defines: Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or ailment. This means that even though you are perfectly fine on the outside but you’re hurting on the inside then you aren’t healthy.

In addition, mental health is the ability to adjust and make adjustments. Especially in our society today where we wake up to surprises each day, your ability to cope and adapt to situations, both the foreseen and unforeseen circumstances is termed mental health.

Furthermore, mental health is that state that determines:

  • Your Affect (This has to do with how you feel)
  • Your Behavior (refers to how you act)
  • Your cognition (this refers to how you think)

Now there are several factors that pose a threat to our mental health. They include but are not limited to:

  1. Thinking rocket science: The more we bombard ourselves with thoughts of the future and regrets of the past, we are likely to become mentally drained. Live and enjoy the present, remember, one day at a time for the sake of your mental health.

  1. The hike in the price of fuel: This one is self-explanatory. However, maybe we should just go back to the use of horses as a means of transportation.

  2. Issues of denied salaries and promotion: When you’re not being paid your salary on time and even when you’re denied your deserved promotion for one reason or the other, it may affect your mental health especially if you’re a family man or woman because basically everything is bought with money and where on earth do they expect you to provide for the family and it’s needs, unless you are combining jobs. The civil servants, lecturers and the military are often victims of this.

  1. Home chores: Wives, women are often victims of this. A woman who does house chores is also a working class babe, looks after the kids and ensures that she gives her husband the needed attention he needs so that she does not lose him to a strange woman outside or within.

  1. Disappointments: This is common among teens and young people who are in a relationship. Cases of heartbreak in relationships can threaten the mental health of those affected. You know especially if so much resources like time, money etc. has been contributed into the relationship. Sometimes, people even give up on their dreams because of love, only to be served breakfast which is so disheartening and can cause mental health issues like depression and paranoia.

Other factors includes:

  • Genetic factors
  • Workload
  • The need for personal development
  • Over involvement in church activities.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Unhealthy comparison
  • Bereavement.

We’ll continue from here in our next post. Our next area of discourse will be on how to maintain our mental health.

Please feel free to share your opinion in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading.

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