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RE: Hivewatchers thinks I'm some guy called Thranax

in Cent4 months ago

I think what you need to do @theringmaster is provide a photo of yours with a white background the one required for US visa applications now after that you need to provide it to hivewatchers in their discord server also you can provide your X account and youtube channel details there is a form you can fill to prove your identity under a website which gives badges yes the hivebuzz website they have a verification form. @theringmaster you are a great contributor to this platform and one of the reasons I visit this platform please my friend follow this procedure so your name is cleared my good friend. I had so much laughs because of you and am really suffering from Bipolar disorder was hospatilazed. In my life happiness is not something that I found but you always gave me hope my good friend please fight like Trump fought and be a winner and bring your account back from blacklist my good friend and I am gonna be rooting for you.


My dearest friend, you're the best. I haven't seen your face before but what you just told me gave me chills. I appreciate your words.

I'm a hardworker and on my path to be a millionaire. I want you to do something for me. Just keep this account of yours I'll be back on Hive as the fastest Whale. I

I have a guaranteed strategy for becoming a Rich dude.

I'll come back after a year a so. Please keep your account I'll be coming to make sure that you never regretted being a good friend to me. I'll make you proud brother. I've got mad skills and I'm using it for other projects.

Just like Terminator. Says