in Cent2 years ago

It's pertinent to maintain a good emotional health and before that can be achieved, someone's got to be intentional.
Do you ever wonder "why you over react",? "Why a word or gesture got to you and became so personal",? "Why you react and respond unnecessarily".? This article is for you... Briefly, I'll help you do away with certain practices that discourages a good mental health and rather adapt to and adopt healthy approaches to situations.



I'm @queenabas and it's a pleasure to have you in my space.🥰

Our emotions are innate an it's a default of our human nature. Some people have certain emotion overplay especially due to upbringing, background, belief and environment. One of such is anger.

Lately, I had series of conversation with people on their emotions, emotional outburst, how they manage it and how they feel when it blows out of proportion. They were of the opinion that it's never felt good to blow out of proportion, emphasizing that it's seldomly an intentional act.

It's important to be conscious of this; All feelings are meant to be felt and are normal if felt but it's essential to respond and react wisely.

Your feelings communicate your needs and helps in the interpretation of your current situation.

It's technically unwise to respond and react literally the way it feels at all times. Though expressing self just the way it hurts goes a long way on justification and advocacy. On the other hand, not all situations necessitates equal response most times being polite can serve us a lot of future stress and uncertainty.


  1. Acceptance and identification:
    Accept how you feel first (a good sign of good mental health), identify what the feeling is and find the triggers.
    This first point is so crucial. If you can't accept and recognize how you feel, you won't be able to address the problem. So, the very first step to begin is acceptance and identification.

  2. Self love and care:
    Even the scripture affirms that you should love as you love yourself. Imagine that you don't love self?
    That means love can't be extensive because it is suppose to extend from within outward.

Self care goes a long way in psychological, mental and emotional health.
One of the visible signs of self love is the drive to find solutions to solve personal problems and challenges.

They are:

  • Adequate rest and sleep and the maintenance of a healthy sleeping pattern. A person who hasn't sleep enough cannot coordinate like an individual who has rested enough.

  • Exercise: It helps to promote blood circulation and promote alertness. If you practice the habit of exercising early in the morning before beginning your daily routines activities, you can earn a sense of achievement that can keep you calm and relaxed throughout the day.

  • Engage more in things you love doing. Do not act out of compulsion.
    All this will help to improve your emotional health.

  1. Stay around people who love you and build healthy relationship:
    You should have who you can express yourself to and vent exactly the way it feels and trust that their counsel would guide you.
    It's not wise to vent to anyone available. Ensure that at your vulnerable expressive state, you are around the right people.

Socialization, expression and healthy relationship calms the mind.

Also, ensure to put in effort to maintain such relationship as they are rare to find.

  1. Do not suppress your feeling rather, reappraise:
    Suppressing your feeling can only produce a negative effect which can lead to an emotional outburst.

It's important to practice reappraisal. In this case, it means changing how you see and think of a negative situation to a positive standpoint before reacting, commenting or responding to it. That way, you sustain a growth mindset.

So, rather than beat yourself up, practice a daily reappraisal by seeing things through the right lenses. It's possible to go through a saddening situation, yet reappraise it for a lesson or growth process. This way, you'll curtle emotional outburst (blowing things out of proportion).

  1. Be mindful and conscious:
    Taking out time to observe personal emotional habits can help you understand yourself as a person and your vulnerabilities and triggers.

There are certain things you can have control over in life. Not all come by easily, you'll have to put in effort to find them. Until you do, don't play a wrong role in competing with what you can't. At every point, make sure you're focused on what you can control and actively work on it.

I'll appreciate your comments and a quest for clarity if any... Also, don't fail to inform me on any subject matter you would want to have a good understand on.

Remember, health is wealth. 🥰😍