Roadside Vendor

in Cent21 days ago

The afternoon weather was quite cold because for almost half the day it continued to rain and wet the land where I live. However, the traders along the road not far from where I live are still active even though they seem empty of buyers.

On the way after visiting one of my relatives, my wife and I took the time to buy snacks here. I bought several kinds of fried food, namely fried tofu, fried pempek, fried cassava and tempeh. It seems like those who are cold and enjoying warm food that has just been cooked by the seller are quite delicious to enjoy.

While buying snacks, I had time to chat with the trader. And what I was discussing was asking about the activities of the traders who sell here. It turns out that many immigrants here are assisted with capital by the government through micro, small and medium enterprise programs. When I asked about the profits made, the trader just said: "It's not bad just to support the family, but when it rains here there are no buyers," he said.