I am a smart individual.
I am not a failure.
I will not attract bad luck.
I defy the negative mentality of fear.
Nothing, not even failure, will hinder my progress.
My life is not foolishness, and I will demonstrate the reasons behind my goals.
Who is the person born of a woman to offer unpleasant advice and label it as must-follow?
I was created by the unknown, and I am unique.
The unknown did not seek advice from a man to make me.
This life will no longer encounter bad luck.
This life will no longer face insults.
Who dares to cast a curse on the innocent?
I am small but exceptional.
Do not compare me, for I am incomparable.
Do not mock me unless it's in jest.
Do not harm me if I mean well for you.
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terraboost (-2)(1) last year
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