I can go either way but for normal everyday chatting, I am a texter all the way. I get annoyed when I text someone about something that isn't even important such as talking about how the waves at the beach were good or bad the day prior and then 2 minutes later they call me. I will often not pick up the phone call and lie and say that I am busy and can't talk. I do not enjoy the social obligations to stay on the phone a certain amount of time even though the original reason for the call was something unimportant anyway.
Now on the other hand, texting can get you in trouble with people that you really care about because tone is absolutely essential. I have ended up in deep water with someone I was dating because my texts were misinterpreted as being sarcastic or cruel, when in reality I was not being that way at all. Depending on how insane your romantic partner is, this can cause long-term damage. Therefore, when it comes to someone that I am dating, I will almost always resort to phone calls but not carry on the call for too long. I also will always call my family members unless it is just me sending a picture of my dog or something like that.
I think that texting has kind of unfortunately taken a lot of the normal social behavior out of people though and we have become more distant with one another as a species because of it. Even though that is the case, I do not enjoy phone calls unless it is inside these two very specific groups that I just mentioned.
Hahahahahahha me tooooooo hahahah like for real I text someone and they call back.. if I wanted to call I would have called hahahahahaha.. but you're so right dear that's the downside of texting, the message can easily be taken out of context .... Did you and your partner resolve it? You know what I'm just going to learn from your experience and call. I'm not dating right now so when I get back in it I'm definitely going to choose to call when I want to say something pretty sensitive or tricky hehehehe... Wow thanks so much dearest friend for this comment . I absolutely appreciate your support it means so much to me