Yep, the first attack was all drones; nice and slow, easy to track and relatively easy to knock down if there's enough time. The second one was ballistic missiles and it looks like a lot of those may have got through, but it was a limited selection of targets and (despite a bit of bluster from both sides) it looks like the damage was calculated to sting a bit but not be so bad that everyone took the gloves off.
The Israeli response was incredibly limited, just enough to say they'd done something. So I think both sides realise that all-out escalation doesn't do either of them any good.
The Western media may portray Iran as a land of out-of-control religious fanatics, but both sides see themselves as the direct heirs of civilisations many thousands of years old. They don't want to throw away that heritage.
I didn't know this was a war on heritage 😳
It's not directly - it's more a case that each side recognises that escalating too far could put them at risk of losing their heritage and culture if it gets to the point of nuclear war or genocide. So in some ways, it's a healthy moderating influence.
But I really hope that someone somewhere can find a solution that isn't the zero-sum game it appears to be right now. It needs someone more intelligent than me, the only ideas I've had so far probably aren't practical, and even if they were I'm not a world leader so they probably wouldn't listen anyway !
is there a way to get your ideas to someone connected to a world leader maybe he might just end up a war hero man
No idea - I'd have to probably really think it all through, then boil it down to a single paragraph that conveys the key concepts. Then I'd have to find a way to get it to them that really gets to the right person. I suspect just sending an email would be read by the most junior minion and then deleted !