I'm sorry, I don't mean to come across as lecturing. I think it might have been about why we have 20% HBD interest. As far as I can tell, it's just a random number the witnesses chose.
As for mixing up energy and power, I understand. And I do not disagree. You are correct. I am an amateur radio operator and I have also undergone training for PV systems. Both require a knowledge of:
- P = IV
- P = V^2/R
- P = I^2R
- V = IR
- R = V/I
- I = V/R
All are variations of the interplay of power, voltage, resistance, and current.
But this blog post is about celebrating a small victory. For this, I have low technical standards.
It's funny. When I talk to my amateur radio friends, we constantly talk about the nerdy stuff: power, attenuation, SWR, ground planes, etc. But that switches off in mixed company. I guess this is a similar situation.
I didn't know until now, that you guys use (V) - In Germany it's (U)... [V] being the unit
I just memorized:
U = R * I (pronounced 'oory')
P = U * I (pronounced 'pooy')
And then I convert/insert until I get to whatever value I am looking for.
Anyways, congratz on the energy you harvested over time :)