Small addition for visitors from Google search and for history: I mentioned sending ETH from Binance above in the post. So I did it today.
I bought TRX and sent it from Kucoin exchange to Binance: only 1.5 TRX for withdrawal - just 0.1$.
TRX is my fave way to transfer crypto between exchanges.
On Binance, I sold TRX -> bought USDT -> bought ETH.
Withdrawal ETH from Binance to Metamask:
Fee on Binance: 0.0012 ETH
Ok, I got money on my Metamask. Then, transfer from L1 to L2 IMX (the same as described above in the article):
Gas fee: 0.00187 ETH. The waiting time was 6 minutes.
Thus, I paid around 0.003 ETH for sending money from Binance -> Metamask -> L2 IMX.
And 2 meteorite Untold Greed are mine 🤠