Gods Unchained Explained: The Forge, Plain and Shine Fusing

in Gods On Chain3 years ago
Authored by @TheProfesserf

An important part of Gods Unchained is the in-game Forge and Fusing mechanic. The Forge allows players to take their plain Core cards, which are earned free just by playing and leveling up, and Fuse them to their meteorite versions. Once plain cards are Fused into meteorite versions, they become Non-Fungible Tokens on the crypto blockchain, which are player-owned assets and can be freely traded within the card marketplace.

Ready to go beyond meteorite cards? The next step is Shine Fusing, which is the process of upgrading from Meteorite all the way to Diamond, if you so choose.

Gaining an understanding of the Forge and Fusing helps players delve deeper into the Play and Earn ecosystem. Players truly become asset owners of their NFTs and can buy, sell and trade the cards.

Remember, changes happen in the game and it is always an exciting time to try Gods Unchained, join the rewarding Play to Earn ecosystem, and boost your win rate percentage with TheProfesserf. If you are looking for more information, content and resources check out TheProfesserf's YouTube channel for guides, tutorials, meta reports, gameplay and more!


My next plan is to forge some cards and this really so useful

Very happy to hear that! Make sure to earn the Flux and $GODS to be able to Forge all the cards you want.