Greetings everyone,
Almost all of us who were able to have enough time started playing the game even more ever since the daily play-to-earn was released. Now playing 10 games+ a day can sometimes make you feel bored of a certain deck and makes you want to switch up for some variety and fun, but at the same time you would need decks that are actually good and fun at the same time.
So today I decided to try out Mighty Uncle's control deception deck to switch things up a bit and also because I wanted to get better at other gods and decks that are pretty effective usually. So I played it in today's play to earn games and I will be sharing the deck and all the results below:
The Deck
I shared this deck in my weekend rank strategy post, but I did not get into more details and results about it. I didn't need to use it last week and it has been a while since I played deception but it was ton of fun to switch things up a bit even though the deck did not perform splendidly but did pretty well!
Now this deck is not exactly the same as Mighty Uncle's because it is lacking some cards that I had to replace with the closest thing that I have that came to mind.
Now let's check out the results that I had in my 10 matches today:
Matchups and Results
The deck got me 6/10 wins in the last day. Not bad but also could be much better in the future. With more practice and getting used to it, and also maybe some changes to the deck I feel like it can be much more solid too!
Now regarding some new additions to the deck, I have some cards that I feel can help the deck a bit more, I am not very sure about them but playing those matches made me realize they might be really good to put them in, so let us see the potential additions to this deck:
Potential card additions
Orfeo, Champion of Deception
Orfeo was one of the cards that was originally in Mighty Uncle's deck; however, I do not own this card thus I could not add it. But I feel like it really can be a good addition to it so I am thinking of saving up to get it because it might help in many situation to get rid of an annoying creature.
Now the reason why I think this card is a great addition here, is because throughout my 10 matches I faced many annoying relics which are being used in the current meta: Lysander's Spear, Necroscepter, Pallas' Wand, ex..
Now naturally the best answer for this would be the Iron-tooth Goblin, but in case of deception CounterFeit is even better even if it costs 1 extra mana. So I will probably be adding that soon.
Ekrileth, Spawn of Pandroleth
Now after the latest nerfs, I thought that this card wouldn't be effective anymore in such deck, however, despite it being way weaker than before, it is still the best card for the 6 mana spot in this deck after experiencing my 10 games without it. So I will surely be switching double dealer with it again.
Matchups and strategy
Now let us talk about some of the most faced matchups currently, which ones are tough and which ones are a bit easier and how each of them must be dealt with.
Aggro Matchups
Now the aggro matchups vary in this meta, it can be Anubian decks, Nature decks, war or deception. Anubian and Deception are the toughest ones because it is very hard to deal with the way their playstyle is or with hidden creatures. As for War and Nature the goal has to be to not let your opponent have much creatures on board and try to control the board as much as possible early on. Now in all cases the best case starting mulligan should vary among these cards:
These cards can be a decent starting hand. Try to keep it a combination of spells and creatures if possible.
Now you can also keep rapture dance in your starting hand against nature in case the other 2 starting cards were good early game spells or creatures.
Mid and Control
Now Mid and Control are tricky matchups, yet a bit easier. They can vary in the current meta between Light, Deception and Magic. Now in case of Magic and Light, since you'll both have a slow game, the key to have the edge is to use the Cutthroat Insight to steal key cards for them. This will help you get the edge over your opponent and take more control of the game. The key cards of each of the two gods are usually the following:
This are the usual key cards for magic or any late game creatures that they might have.
And these are the ones regarding light, they also might have other strong creatures that you can steal.
If you manage to steal 2 key cards from your opponent this gives you a huge edge over them. Same apply to deception matchups, however it is good to steal their cutthroat first if possible.
OTK decks
Now this matchup is very simple and straight forward. What you will want to do here is try to get Cutthroat Insight first hand and try to steal your enemy win condition at 4 or 5 mana, If you managed to do that before he does his combo you win, if not you're simply dead. Now the current OTK combos are using these win conditions:
In those 2 decks you want to try to steal their win condition as soon as possible, if not you have very minimal chances of winning.
Final Thoughts
Now I feel I can do much better and improve more on this deck too, deception sounds very fun to play as an addition to my magic decks. I am planning on using a similar deck in the upcoming Battle for the Light tournament so I would also appreciate any advice or improvements for this deck from any deception players out there.
Now I will keep trying it these couple of days and making it better and try my best to get better at it and I would advise you to try it too if playing deception was on your radar! Be sure to drop a follow if you like my posts and let me know in the comments what can I do to make the deck better if you have any suggestions and your opinion about it.
That was it for this one, I wish you all a really good day and I will see you on another one!
Mad Love, Peace out <3
Which God Powers did you use?
You wanna use thievery since the deck is slow you might get good cards from it and plus it helps you keep a good number of cards in hand for moramag for example
That makes sense, I tried playing a similar deck but I feel like against Control you often have a bunch of cards in hand still, and Double Dealer is a dead card unless you want to mill yourself too. I like using Flip against Combo decks, but the Ping is nice against others as well
I never tried flip I feel it works better in sleep decks no? True you might need the Ping against certain decks im still getting familiar with the matchups!
Flip is great because you get to choose which cards you want, let's say you are going against Coronet and you wanted a CTI, well you can flip until you find it. But yes it's invincible against Fatigue as well
Umm I guess you're right Flip can be better in some situations like the one you mentioned! Thanks for the advice
I was going to question Moramag/Ekrileth, but I see in your comment that you are using thievery, so that makes a lot more sense.
One thing I've seen in a few control deception lists is 1x City Sniper in hopes of combing with Bound by Her Will to snag (e.g.) a Guild Enforcer. I don't play control at all really though, so I have no idea if it's worth swapping something out.
Oh I just saw City Sniper costs 2 mana so at 5 mana can be used at the same turn with bound! Ill try this out for sure mate thanks
Nice writeup, I'm gonna give it a go.
Thanks brother try it out for sure and do not get frustrated if it was complicated to play at first!
Thank you for the review. The toughest archetype for my slowish Aggro Deck with 4 strength-stealers, only Control Light is worse. 4 frontlines is hell. 2 Bound by Her Will means that anything I steal can be stolen back. I have encountered this 4-frontline Control Deception, too tough. If it was more common, I would include more aggro elements into my deck. But I added 2 Hunting Traps and Svart Basilisk to wake up a buffed creature if available.
Cutthroat means a lost turn sometimes in exchange of a trifle. Not many low-mana cards so the player can have exceptionally bad mulligan sometimes and early damage can be large. For example, getting early 2 Bound by Her Will and 2 Rapture Dances along with big creatures can ruin the match for the Control Deception player.
Now playing 10 games+ a day can sometimes make you feel bored of a certain deck and makes you want to switch up for some variety and fun
I felt like that before. Now, I focused on polishing my aggro Deception deck although I would like to have fun with adding interesting cards nobody plays... But experiments cost too much - climbing up from Midnight/Auric is so painful that ...better not to experiment. When my deck starts failing, I will have time to test something new in low tiers.
You're right about some cards being bad for you in some situations since the game is all about matchups too can make a huge difference. And sometimes I do suffer when I try new stuff but I always end up finding a new deck that wins game while switching things up a bit. The most important thing is not to get frustrated and keep your composure, always try and improve and a certain deck and you'll eventually get to the best version of it. But the biggest thing is to remember meta always gets rotated so not all decks will remain very effective some might be even for a couple of days! That's why I always keep trying new stuff even if it costs me games
I've never used any deck since I started playing GU a month ago but this deck made me rethink to start using another deck. If ever I get to start using a new deck I would start with this one. Good evening!
Do try it! And dont stick to 1 deck, have a main god that you're really good at and also try others because sometimes you might get left out of meta if you stick to 1 only!
Thank you for the suggestion, I am actually starting to play other decks...
Is Moramag strong enough to justify thievery, I always found the god power to be so slow.
Deception has some pretty decent early to mid game answers and thievery is much better for late game with Moramag too. Sometimes you might get toasted early on because of it yes but thats only because the opponent deck is too aggro and it's pretty tough to win with a control deck. However thievery gives a huge edge if you're up against Control decks!