Does Daily Play needs immediate fixing even before being launched?

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

While reading both blog posts to better understand what is coming regarding Daily Play, I honestly felt a bit bad about the lack of content and being focused in wins and rank alone, you can read both in here.

Daily Play & Earn Feature

Daily Play & Earn Update: Reward Calculations

Took Gods Unchained (GU) team 6 months since they added this buttom in the game.

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Until the actual release, programmed for next week (August 31st 2022).

And please correct me if I am wrong, but seems that this is a simple transition of GODS from Weekend Ranked (WR) to the full week. That will just push people to stress about their 3 first wins and/or 10 matches every day, not creating variety and narrowing the meta even more to "profitable" decks. Instead of fun decks.

I for one, play games to have fun and enjoy, the fact that we own our "thingys" are nice plus, but not what makes players to stick, Gamers want to have fun playing games, otherwise is a job and most of us don't want another job, specially if pays less than $100 a month in tokens and cards.


I have been playing games since the 90's (I am old 😅) and if there is a thing that makes me going is the idea of accomplish something, being ending a game, clear a mission, side quest, collecting all achievements/trophies, getting all extras from the game, like skins, modes, art... so many "thingys"...

There are a ton of gamification elements that help games keeping a good momentum and player base, months/years after the release.

My favorite for the past decade was the introduction of "Seasons", combined with daily, weekly, monthly and special/temporary challenges.

I feel the need of accomplish something when playing a game, victory is the most common, but gets boring after so many wins, so, having something long term to look forward that motivates us to play and most important, change the way we play is important to keep a game fresh and a solid player base.

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Games like Fortnite and Fall guys do this pretty well, special if you buy the season pass and start getting those sweet rewards and showing them off.

I haven't played, either 2 games, for more than a year, but when they came out, oh boy, I played both for months every day, and I thought I was done with both, but for some reason the GU community got me back to play both and for some reason I can't stop playing them again.

Specially Fall Guys, as I got the season pass and now I want to play every day and unlock everything I can.

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Going back to GU, there was an AMA in Reddit this week,

I asked

"Are seasons, missions, challenges being considered for this year? as an improvement for Daily Play."

And as I like to be part of the solution even added more to it, and I like to see that I got a lot of support from other players on it, lots of comments and feedback on top of what I said.

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Their response was

"Wonderful Question, at the moment this is not necessarily a question to Daily Play and Earn specifically. So this can be seen for any improvements or any future forthcomings in the Journey Roadmap - here. But thank you so much for the daily mission suggestion we'll look into that for the future."

You can check the post in here

Even without answering my question, we can assume that "No! They aren't going to do it this year".

Honestly I don't know how hard that would be, but shouldn't be too hard if we keep it to fragments, plain core cards, flux, stars and any other not minted stuff in game.

Few months back they introduced a new tutorial, in that tutorial we saw these BEAUTIFUL GOD THEMED PACKS and a MISSION LADDER!

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So my question is why not run with this?

The base for it is there, just need to add challenges to rank up in that ladder.

I would love to see in that Mission ladder more core packs, themed god packs, stars, flux, trinkets, etc. all non minted stuff

And then a season pass, where you would need to spend GODS to get in better rewards like expansion packs, GODS and other minted stuff.

Please Gamify the hell out GU, because wins alone is not going to make it sustainable.


Agree with this 100%. Make it interesting to play, not a grind with streamlined decks.

Yep, I gave this same feedback to them. The daily p2e is really uninspired. Mini weekend-ranked events just increases the try-hard - and it's already too high. I saw someone on the reddit ask a related question, but they just side-stepped it.

Something is 1000% better than nothing, but it's really meh.

"You know how we have weekend ranked, right?"
"Go on."
"Well let's do that, but every day!"

I hadn't thought about the mission ladder in the tutorial, but you're right. They have the assets. Roll something out that uses it!

I believe I saw that comment there too, I like that at least the community is aligned with this, hopefully they will see it and bring something different than P2E, they promissed FUN and Earn, FUN being the first thing to think about when thinking on GU.

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Great article 👍

I agree so much with the points in this post, which are articulated shown very well, and am glad to see this kind of long-take on the subject. Showing visually some of what other games offer that GU doesn't really highlights how much we're missing out on in the way of fun and draw.

I know I have been happy to spend money regularly on other games where I can't even earn anything that can be taken outside the game or that lets me earn back some of the money. If GU could combine the pleasure of those games along with the unique things it has by being a blockchain game I can't see how it wouldn't improve the player experience immensely.

Hell, half of us would prolly pay a tiny bit of gods to do a quest where the only reward is getting to change our avatars, let alone anything fancier and more exciting.